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Level 3
I do Incremental backups Monday - Friday. I do a Full backup on Saturday. When I go to restore a file, the only listings I see are for Incremental backups from the last 5 days. The history has completed backup listing all the way back to June 27 2006. Why can't I see the Full backup listings? Why can I only see the Incremental backups for the last 5 days?

Level 6

Have you tried sorting the restore selections by resources?

Also, Could you run a catalog job so that the media is cataloged?


Level 3
I have tried sorting by Resource. I have tried cataloging the media. Neither shows the full backup or the correct information on the tape. The Job History shows the full backup on this specific tape. Only when I go to Restore it is not available to restore from.

Level 6
What is the Overwrite Protection Period for the media set specified by the full backup job? What is the Overwrite Protection Period for the Incremental Job?

You may be just overwriting the tapes as defined.....

Level 3
I use one specific tape for the full backup on saturday. I have five other tapes monday thru friday for the incremental backups. The history is not showing any full backups.

Level 6

If you have already catlogged the full backup tape, was the Catalog job successful?

Did you get any byte count while catlogging the tape?

Uncheck the "Tools" > "Options" > "Catalog " > "USe storage media based catalogs" option and run the Catalog operation again.

What are the media set properties to which the Full backup tape belongs to?


Level 3
I did as you instructed with the Options. There were no bytes read during any previous catalog or the catalog after I unchecked the box in Options.


Overwrite Protection Period: None

Append Period: None
Infinite - Allow Append

I still can't get the data off the Full backup.

Level 6
Please entertain the idea that the Saturday full is being overwritten- perhaps by the monday incremental. You have no overwrite protection.

Change the overwrite protection to full or partial (tools -> options -> media management) then create seperate media sets for the weekend job and the weekday jobs. Edit the job properties so that each job points to a different media set.

Level 3
I have the tape eject after the Saturday backup. Even if it were overwriting, shouldn't it show the backup as available in the Restore list? I have another server that shows all the jobs for a long period of time. I have compared the two and see no differences. I have a file I need to restore from last Saturday's full backup.

Level 6
with the information you have provided it appears your backup servers' ability to store catalogs is intact (its not a database or catalog storage problem). Your attempt to catalog the tape provided no data, and your overwrite protection is set to none leads me to think the tape has been overwritten. If a tape is used more than once with your settings, the previous data will be removed from the catalog and restoration will be impossible via backupexec.

The job logs do not reflect the catalogs- the job logs are just logs recorded at the moment of the backup and they are not linked to the catalog or the media database in any way.

If you have the support tools loaded on your server (or download from microsoft) the tool called mtfcheck.exe. Using this tool, you could check the header information of your tape and see what is available on the tape.

Level 3
I did a full backup this past Saturday. The Saturday tape was put in the vault and has not been used since. When I attempt a restore job, that full backup is not showing as available to pull from. Any ideas? I do appreciate the help.

Level 6

You may follow the below steps

Stop all the Backup Exec services
Rename the catalogs folder to catalogs.old
Restart the services

This will create a new catalogs folder.

Now try to catalog the media and verify if you can see the restore selections.
