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Restoring Exchange 2003 Public Folder

Level 2
BE 10.1 Build 5629
Exchange 2003 Build 7638 SP2

I'm trying to restore a deleted public folder. The backup of the data was successful. When I try to restore I continue to get an "Access Denied" error. I have checked the account and it does have full administrative rights to the Exchange server and the information store. (the Resource Credential tests are successful inside BE) When I take the store offline before I perform the restore then the restore fails because it cannot connect to the resource. If I leave the store online when I do the restore job I get the access denied error. I have checked the "Allow this database to be overwritten by a restore" box inside the store's properties. I cannot do a redirect because I have only one Exchange server. Is it even possible to restore only one public folder into the store?

Thanks for any help provided.

Level 2
I still haven't figured this one out.

I'm trying to restore from the differential tape. Do I need to go back to the full backup in order for this to work?

Level 2

Level 2
Yes you have to go back to the full backup, you can't only use a Differential/Incremental backup. If you restore only a differential you will see the restored file but it will not contail the data you need.

Level 2
I'll try to do the restore from the full backup. Thanks for the reply. I'll post back with success/failure. :)