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Restoring SQL databases

Level 4
Partner Accredited

I am currently testing the disaster recovery of MS SQL databases. There is a requirement of restoring the databases
to a standby server therefore the restore will be redirected to another server. So my question is how to restore the latest master database to that server since you can't redirect a master database restoration? But is there a need to restore the master database on the standby server? Also, is there a need to restore all the default database eg. model, msdb ... etc ? Thanks.


Level 4
This is actually a Microsoft limitation as, during the attempted restore, the server name is queried ... if the names are not the same, the redirected restore will fail. Page 1368 from the 11d Administrator's Guide indicates that you would have to use Microsoft's rebuildm.exe utility to rebuild the master from backups.

One alternative MAY be to do this on a segregated network and use a server with the identical name, but then you'd still have to get it to the actual server.