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BE11d crash the server during Exchange Consistency Check

Level 2
Partner Accredited
Hi all,
I have SBS 2003 Prem R2 running on ML350 G5 and BE SBS 11d.
Everything ran smoothly for several month.
last week the server crashed during backup. I disabled the backup and everything was OK. Last enabled the backup and it crashed again. I tried to run it once more and it appears that it crash right after the consistancy check of the Exchange Server.
I used Microsoft VSS for the backup and I set BE to contnue even if there are errors in the check.
A backup without consistency check is OK
Thank You,
AOFO: Started for resource: "\\SERVER\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
The following volumes are dependent on resource: "E:" .
The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume E: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version
Network control connection is established between <-->
Network data connection is established between <-->
\\SERVER\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group
Family Name: "Media created 01/06/2007 09:57:32"
Backup of "\\SERVER\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group "
Backup set #4 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Backup 00001"
Backup Method: Full - Database & Logs (flush committed logs)
Microsoft Exchange Server Agent: Started
The option to enable the restore of individual items from the database backup was selected for this backup.
Backup started on 01/06/2007 at 10:50:28.
The consistency check of the snapshot for the Microsoft Exchange transaction log Logs was successful.
This is the end of the log and then the server crash / hangs

Message Edited by Abraham Peltz on 06-01-200701:53 AM

Message Edited by Abraham Peltz on 06-01-200701:54 AM


Level 4
You DO refer to E:, so that seems to say that you're backing up the information store store as well as the rest of that server. It's highly recommended to back up the information store SEPARATELY from all other data. Run an Exchange backup as a separate job and the data backup as the original job.

Also, make sure that you are not using AOFO as part of the Exchange backup job.

We've seen frequently that a job backing up everything will run fine ... and suddenly, one day, will suddenly fail on AOFO. These are the first two steps we take.