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Restoring individual emails from Backup Exec 11d

Level 2
I just upgraded from Backup Exec 9.1 to 11d and now when I go to restore a single email, it has to restore the entire database just to pull out a couple emails. Which is fine if it was quick, but we have a rather small database 11gb and it still take a couple hours to restore. Their has to be a better way around this, I was able to restore individual emails in 9.1 why can't I in 11d. I'm doing full - Database & Logs (flush committed logs) along with a checkmark for "Enable the restore of individual mail messages and folders from IS backups". I do not run the Continuously back up transaction logs, as my backups just run at night. I've seen some write-up on backup-to-disk but I backup to tape.
What am I missing here? This shouldn't be that tough to do whenI was able to do it in previous version.
Thanks for any help.

Level 2
Can't do much more than point you in the right direction since I'm stuck myself..

When using information store backup you need to store the backup to a backup to disk folder to be able to restore individual items(this is where I'm stuck). If you don't use B2D you will first have to restore the database from tape to some folder and from that point have BE mount the database and restore the single items.
I guess GRT would be a good thing to add to your search keywords.

There is also this whitepaper that could give some helpful information..


Level 2
I read through the pdf and providing I'm reading this correctly, GRT allows you to do the full database backup and a separate mailbox back with a simple check mark in the selection process. But if you backup to tape their is now way around having to restore the entire database to get one message, but if you backup to disk you can restore indivually.
Is that how your reading it as well?

Level 4
Thats exactly right.  We threw out our tapes when we upgraded to 11d for just this reason.  everything goes on our disks.  Sure we have over 14tb of storage being used for backups but atleast I can restore the emails.

Level 3
Is your disk storage off site?

Message Edited by colin weiner on 11-09-2007 03:24 PM