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SQL 2000 database restore running very slowly, not even 1mb/minute. Sev 1.

Level 3
Please help.

We have a severity one incident with one of our SQL 2000 databases. I need to get it restored asap and have been working on it all night.

The database is 110GB in size and backs-up at 450mb/minute to a SDLT device in an ADIC library. However, restoring I'm getting a throughput of less than 1mb/min. It's only restored 100mb in 9 hours!

I'm restoring to the source SQL server. I chose "replace databases or filegroups" and turned off the consistency checker to try and help speed things up. It's showing in Enterprise Manager as "loading".

Network traffic on both servers is less than 1%. Processor and memory use on the backup server (W2K3, P4, 2GB RAM running BEWS 9.1) as well as the SQL server are not being hit at all.

Can anyone tell me why this is taking so long?

Level 3
Looks like a network connectivity problem.

The source SQL server is on a different domain to the backup server. I tried restoring the DB to a SQL server on the same domain as the backup server and it's moving at 500mb/min.

Trust relationships are fine so must be a speed/vlan issue.