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SQL Backup Question

Level 3
Hi Guys,

Im running Backup Exec v10.

I want to perform an SQL backup but NOT truncate the logs.

Does anyone know which backup option I should be choosing??

The choices from the menu are:
FULL- Backup entire database or filegroup
LOG - Backup transaction log
LOG NO TRUNCATE - Backup transaction Log - No truncate
DIFFERENTIAL - Backup database or filegroup changes only

Any help would be appreciated.


Level 6
Please check this technote for complete explanation:
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Level 3

Thanks for the response - But it is still unclear.

I just need to do a "copy" backup of the database without truncating the logs. Is this possible - how would I accomplish this?

The Backup Exec exchage agent has an option:
"Copy Databasess & Logs" does the SQL agent have a similar function?

Level 5
Hey Roland,

Totally fair question to ask. The Exchange and SQL agents don't work the same way at all so you aren't the first one confused by it (and the documentation could be much better).

If you are after a full backup of the data but not truncating the sql logs. In Backup Exec SQL Agent terms, this is considered a "FULL" backup. Unlike the Exchange agent, a full backup for SQL does not truncate the logs. If you wanted to truncate the logs, you have to run a SQL agent Transaction log backup which backs up and truncates just the logs but not the database.

In the Exchange agent, a "FULL" DOES truncate the logs.

Hope that helps,
