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SQL keeps crashing

Level 4
This may be a long post so bare with me. I posted a few weeks ago with a SQL issue involving Backup Exec. Long story short I wiped out all SQL on my server and reinstalled Backup exec. It was running fine for about a week and this morning I came in and I can't start the console becasue the services are stopped. I can't start any of them and it is giving me the same errors as before I reloaded. It is a fresh copy of Backup Exec 11d which loads a SQL Express it says. I wiped everything out before the install becasue this is the only thing using sql, after I loaded BE back on I now have in my add/remove programs Micosoft SQL Server 2005, Microsoft SQL Server Native Client, Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files, Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer and also I have MSXML 4.0 SP2 and MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser/SDK and MSXML 6.0. I had a one time shot with symantec and thats when we reloaded BE and he told me that BE has something to do with MSXML. So this morning I had this in my event viewer Event ID 1000 Faulting application sqlservr.exe, version 2005.90.2047.0, faulting module kernel32.dll, version 5.2.3790.2756, fault address 0x00015e02.

I can't start SQL Server (BKUPEXEC) or SQL Server Browser in my services as they give me the error 1053 The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

What am I doing wrong why did the service just quit in the middle of the night for no reason after working great for a week or so?  Thanks for all the help.

Level 4
Update....  Here is the errorlog in the sql database....
The SQL Network Interface library could not deregister the Service Principal Name (SPN) for the SQL Server service. Error: 0x45b. Administrator should deregister this SPN manually to avoid client authentication errors.

Level 6
This really sounds like an environmental issue.  It would be best to troubleshoot the failure of the SQL server service
with Microsoft.  If this server is really just a backup server, I would suggest to simply rebuild the OS and reinstall BE.  Another option may be to just install BE on another server.

Level 4
Steve thanks for the response, basically since then I have wiped out everything SQL and BE and the only thing left in my add/remove is a few MSXML 4.0's and a 6.0.  When I download the BE and try to install it gives me an error now... 05-14-2007,12:53:59 : V-225-204: Could not start the SQL server SRV08041\BKUPEXEC with service name of MSSQL$BKUPEXEC ***To search for information about this error, click here
05-14-2007,12:53:59 : V-225-210: Unable to connect to SQL Server. ***To search for information about this error, click here
05-14-2007,12:53:59 : V-225-118: Error installing BEDB ***To search for information about this error, click here
05-14-2007,12:53:59 : Action ended 12:53:59: InstallFinalize. Return value 2.

I don't understand why its not installing I have blown it away before and reloaded it and it worked fine.  I still have a SQL listed in my services for BE even though I have taken everything out.  Is it possible that something is still hung up and it hasnt totally removed the old BE?  Can I safely remove MXSML and BE should install it when I load the new software?

Level 6
It sounds like the issue is more than likely that something got left behind from the previous installation of Backup Exec.  It really sounds like when you did the reinstall, there was enough left over from SQL that it didn't even try to install it again.  Are there any other instances of SQL installed on this machine or is Backup Exec's instance the only one that should be on there?  Do you see 'Microsoft SQL server 2005' in add/remove programs?  If so, go ahead and remove that, reboot, and try the install again.

Level 4
It used to be in my add/remove but I took it out and uninstalled BE, rebooted and then tried to reinstall and I got that error.

Level 4
There is no place else that i know of to remove it, I have taken it out of the add/remove, I have removed everything related to SQL in both my c drive and my d drive and I still have the service in my services?

Level 6
Is there anything in add/remove programs that starts with 'Microsoft SQL'?  If there is, go ahead and uninstall that, reboot and try to install BE again.

If you don't see any of that in add/remove programs...........
Is it just the service called 'SQL Server (BKUPEXEC)'?  Are there any other SQL services?  If no, then check for the following registry key, delete it, reboot, and try the install again.

hklm/system/current control set/services/mssql$bkupexec

Level 4
Right, there are no other SQL anything in my add/remove and I am new here and alone but I have figured out that nothing else runs SQL on this server.  So I deleted the registry key but I can't reboot until after hours on this server which isnt for another hour or so.  After I deleted it the SQL BE service is still in my services but I am guessing it will be gone after I reboot?

Level 6
That would be correct.  That's why we need the reboot.  A few more things to check....
If you have either one of these reg keys, go ahead and delete them:

hklm/system/current control set/services/SQLBrowser
hklm/system/current control set/services/SQL Writer

Let's also delete this directory if it exisist:

c:\program files\microsoft SQL server

Level 4
Ok the Browser was there, Writer wasn't and I already deleted the C:/program files one before the reload.  Still waiting around to take the server down at the end of the day, hopefully i can reinstall after that.  I will update after i reboot.  Thanks Steve

Level 4
Steve I rebooted, I got all kind of microsoft errors for sqlserver upon reboot the standard send or son't send messages.  I tried to reinstall and got this again...
05-14-2007,17:17:23 : V-225-53: ERROR: Failed to install SQL Express BKUPEXEC instance with error 28086. ***To search for information about this error, click here
05-14-2007,17:17:23 : Please review C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Summary.txt for more details.
05-14-2007,17:17:23 : Failed to install third party products.

Level 6
Well, it sure sounds like there is still some SQL stuff hanging around somewhere.  First off, see if you have this registry key.  If so, delete it.
hklm/software/microsoft SQL server

You can go ahead and try the install again after that without rebooting, but if it fails it'd be best to go ahead and reboot it again just to make sure.  Another suggestion would be to check MS's site to see if they have any instructions for uninstalling SQL Express manually.

Level 4
I know its wierd no matter how many SQL things I find and delete it keeps hanging around.  I removed every key in there that had to do with SQL and MSXML, but I can't reboot for a few hours.  I have another question while I am waiting, I am new here and can't find the disk for BE so I have been downloading the trial version and installing my license key (worked once before with a symantec tech support rep) could that be part of the problem?  My question is even though I wipe out the download and download another fresh download to my desktop and extract it my previous settings come up when I run the browser to install to include my license already added?  How can that be if I delete everything known to BE before I install what am I missing?

Level 4
Hang on a minute, what ever keys you had me delete in that last round seems to have worked and I didn't even need to restart, there must have been something seriuosly wrong wit SQL.  This is the third time since I have been here that BE stopped worked and I got SQL errors so hopefully this lasts.  Thanks for the help guys.