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Sharepoint error backup the index db

Level 4
I recently started to have the following error message in sharepoint backup:
Click an error below to locate it in the job log
Backup- http://portal\Index DB 1 (Servername) V-79-57344-65072 - The connection to target system has been lost. Backup set canceled.
Click an exception below to locate it in the job log
Backup- http://portal\Index DB 1 (Servername) WARNING: "http://portal\Index DB 1 (servername)\http://portal\Index DB 1 (Servername)" is a corrupt file.
The AOFO is disable.
I am running BackupExec 11d wiith the updates: Service Pack 1, HotFix 19 and HotFix 21
I did the backup of Sharepoint for more than 2 months without any issue, and suddently it started to give the above error.
Thank you

Message Edited by Afonso Martins on 11-25-2007 12:16 AM

Message Edited by LakeRat on 01-16-2008 07:59 AM

Level 4
This happens to us every couple of months. If you notice you probably get an error if you try to use the search feature on your SharePoint sites.
Restart both the "Microsoft Search" and "Microsoft SharePointPS Search" services. If they fail to restart then end task any instances of "mssearch.exe" then restart the services.
This will rebuild the index and return things to normal.

Level 5
There must be a better way to correct the problem than rebuilding the index.  What happens when the index becomes large like around 1 TB then it is faster to restore it than to rebuild it.  If you have support put in a ticket.

Level 4
Let me correct myself. It doesn't rebuild the index but instead recovers from the failure/shutdown after you terminate/restart the service.

Level 4
Yes, if i restart the Microsoft SharePointPS Search the next backups will run properly with no erros, but after 3 or 4 backups it starts again the error. Do you know a definitive solution?
thank you

Level 4
Nope, for us it  occured about once a month. Our index is so small it took seconds to fix the problem. I don't know if Backup Exec causes it or if its a Microsoft bug.
I notice it started with 11d and GRT for SharePoint. Maybe try disabling GRT, although GRT doesn't work on the index file BE is so sloppy you never know what can happen.