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Skipped files report

Level 4
Second post. Sorry to cross post I was being dreadfully dim and only just realised the layout of the list of boards.

I am new to the boards and somewhat new to the BackupExec 11d. I want to learn about custom reports, I know Job logs cover what files have been skipped in a job can I compile these into a daily report so at a glance I can see what was skipped and whether I need to pay more attention  ?

Also is it possible to script the generation of this report to run after the backup job to Disks whilst the Duplication to Tape is running. ie I can walk in of a morning pick up the job completion print outs and the mythical skipped files report ?

Ta for any help.


Level 4
Well I thought I'd post how I've solved this to a fashion. Using the export log feature.

Firstly some news that the "Save As" function has a broken implementation of Unicode. When I started I was exporting the log files of jobs as .txt in Unicode and all the characters were being padded by two zeros in hex. This is broken functionality. Leaving extra spaces beween every character and extra new lines every other line. When I chose to export the files as Unicode UTF-8 these padded chars became normal chars.

After that little diversion I had an export of the log file. As you might know from the BackupExec view log section these are extreemly long (some 35 pages) and can be quite inpenitrable. However it does list each of the skipped files amungst much much more data.

There is  a unix tool called Grep that can search a file and parse all the lines with a string in them, you can then have this redirected to a second file. So if you grep the log for for the word "skipped" boom you have a file with just the lines containing the skipped files.

Once you have the log file saved out from backup exec, run this command (yes it's a unix command, I don't know if there is an equivilent tool in Windows, there is not at a stnadard command prompt.) However there is an open source tool called grep for windows (I have not tested this solution though) available at

I dragged the log file to my mac and ran this command at the terminal screen.

grep skipped logfile.txt > skippedfile.txt

This made a new file "skippedfile.txt" that list (as of this morning) all 427 files that were skipped from my full weekly backup.

I hope this might help others.

Level 6
you can use the native FINDSTR command to do this

Level 4
Excellent. My my findstr seems much more sensible that grep until you know the entomology of grep and then it becomes much shorter to type than "Global Regular Expressions Print"

however yes I'm sure that:
findstr needle haystack > output will do the job. Now if anyone cares to extend this idea by telling me how I could automate this and print it so I just walk in and hole punch a stack of paper and flick through it and call that 40 minutes work I'd be dead greatful.

Level 6
Don't do much scripting any more, but you could work upsomething that would do a dir of the logfiles, sorted by date, extract the latest log (or logs) and then use that/those XML files in a FINDSTR command, naming each to corespond to the job name perhaps