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Slow Backup Exec database maintenance

Level 3
We are running BE10 b5520 SP1 on Windows 2003 Standard Edition (Gold). Recently the Backup Exec database maintenance process, which used to take no more than two minutes to execute, is now taking 10 hours to complete. If we take a peek at the running tasks on the SQL server, it appears that the stored procedure "SaveJobHistoryDetail" is blocking the dbcc shrinkdatabase call from the maintenance task. Has anyone else experienced this issue or know of a fix?

Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions


Level 6

Can you please give us the details from Tools>Option>Settings>Database Maintenance

Have you changed these default settings?
Is any other database backup running on the same time?

Also can you please tell us the size of the bedb.bak file ?

Update us on the same and revert for any further Query

Thank you

Additional Information :
For information on the recent VERITAS Backup Exec security vulnerabilities, including links to the downloads for the necessary hotfixes, please refer to the following document:
Patch summary for Security Advisories VX05-001, VX05-002, VX05-003, VX05-005, VX05-006, VX05-007

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.

Level 3
Details from DB Maint page as follows:
Enable db maintenance: checked
Perform db maintenance at: 4:00:00am
Delete Expired Data: checked
Days to keep
--Job history: 90
--Job logs: 30
--Alert History: 7
--Reports: 14
--Audit Logs: 30
Perform db consistency check: checked
Optimize db size: checked
Save contents of db to BE data directory: checked

I believe these options are all default but am not 100% certain.

There are no other database backups running at the same time, unless Backup Exec is doing it behind the scenes.

The BEDB.bak file is 87,891kb in size.

Today, the maintenance processes kicked off at 4:00am local time. At 9:50am local time it is still running with a process from BE running "select * from dbo.datapartition" which is blocking two processes: "sp_cursoropen;1" and "dbcc shrinkdatabase ('BEDB',10)" the dbcc process is blocking a system autoshrink process.


