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Someone's got to have an answer surely, are there any Symantec people looking at these messages???

Level 4
Hi all,
Right, I am trying to perform a backup of an Exchange server (have Exchange licence), however whenever the job starts (it's scheduled) all other servers are fine but the Exchange server Backup Exec Remote Agent stops with a fault:
"Faulting Application Beremote.exe, Version 10.1.5629.0, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.2.3790.3959, fault address 0x0002a0d0"
Has anybody any idea about what could be causing this, initially I thought it could have been the Mcafee AV on access scanner, so have stopped that, to no avail, I have reinstalled the client, I tried to run the Symantec backup exec update, but it just hangs for several hours, I set the service to restart after a fail, but nothing works.
many thanks



Level 6

These forums are for Peer to Peer support.  Symantec employees such as myself will post here from time to time when we are available to do so.

As for the issue you are having, the first thing that I would suggest doing is updating the remote agent to the latest version.  I have included a link to the latest service pack for BE10d below, install that on the media server then push out the new agent. - Symantec Backup Exec (tm) 10.1 (10d) for Windows Servers revision 5629 - Service Pack 4 - Includes Critical Security Updates

Level 4
Hi Ben,
First of all, thank you for your reply!! Why though is no support available for this product from Symantec unless it is purchased?,  it is very frustrating when you have a product which has been paid for but then no support, except from a peer to peer forum.
Anyway, Again thanks for the reply, I shall give it a go and let you know.

Level 6
Why though is no support available for this product from Symantec unless it is purchased?
That's not a question I can answer for you.  That decision was made by a group way above my level, you may want to talk with your sales rep about that.

Level 4
Many thanks anyway Ben, i'm sure you can understand why many people are chuffed off though!!

Level 4
I have installed the update and pushed out the new remote exec clients, but the Exchange backup is still failing with the remote exec turning itself off as in my initial posting, any more ideas?????

Level 4
Bump - anyone?- bump

Level 6
First, check the version of Beremote.exe that is now on the Exchange server - just to confirm that the 'push' really did work.  You want it to be higher than version 10.1.5629.0.
Next, stop and re-start the remote agent service on the Exchange server.
Now, what sort of Exchange backup are you doing - store, mailbox, or both?
If you are doing both, they should be in separate jobs.
Store backup must have AOFO turned OFF.

Level 4
Robert, thanks for the reply.
It is definitely the latest version, Stopped and restarted the service, was backing up store alone and AOFO is turned off, but it has still failed with the remote agent stopping!!!, this is infuriating!!, any other ideas, I am very grateful for the help!

Level 6

Do you know which part of the backup it's crashing on?  If not, I would suggest splitting the job up a bit to see where it's crashing.  For example, 1 job to back up file level data, 1 to backup the Information store, 1 to backup mailboxes, 1 for public folders, 1 for system state/shadow copy, etc...

Level 4
Hello again Ben,
The service is stopping on the Exchange Server as soon as the backup server tries to connect to it.  All other servers are connected to and backed up fine, those before and after the exchange server in the list.
This is the error message in the job log:
Backup- \\exchangeserver\microsoft  Information Store\First Storage Group AOFO: Initialization failure on: "\\EXCHANGE1\Shadow?Copy?Components". Advanced Open File Option used: No. The network connection failed during the snapshot. Check the network, and then run the job again. V-79-57344-65072 - The connection to target system has been lost. Backup set canceled.
I don't know if this will tell you anything more than I have already said, or if it points to something really obvious.
Again all help appreciated.

Level 6
What version of exchange is on the server?

Level 4
Exchange 2003 on a windows 2003 server.

Level 6
"I don't know if this will tell you anything more than I have already said, or if it points to something really obvious."
Hi Manick  ...maybe
I have looked at my Information Store logs - and there is no mention of "AOFO Initialization".
go back to Ben's earlier suggestion ...

" I would suggest splitting the job up a bit to see where it's crashing.  For example, 1 job to back up file level data, 1 to backup the Information store, 1 to backup mailboxes, 1 for public folders, 1 for system state/shadow copy, etc... "

You don't need to go to that level - just take the Information Store backup(s) out of your standard selection list. Create a selection list JUST for the Information Store (and Shadow Copy Components, if you want) - but NOT mailboxes.
Then, create a job using just this new selection list. - no AOFO, etc.
This doesn't have to be your final solution, but just get this new job to START and get past that initialization error. - You don't even have to let the whole job run at this stage - you're just trying to get it to start!
let us know.

Level 4
Hi guys,
I did as you suggested, I ran a backup with just the Info store selected, seemed to go OK so stopped it, then did it with info store and Shadow copy components selected it seemed to go OK so, again I stopped it.. HOWEVER!!, before this when I tried to select shadow copy components for backing up the service failed at that point.  I restarted the backup exec remote service, and was able to connect, I decided to let the backup complete, with only the info store selected and it ran OK.
Tonight I am going to try and backup exchange.log and info store and see.

Level 4
Hi guys,
Ran the backup with Info store and Exchange.logs selected and it completed OK, It seems that Shadow copy components is the one that is beggering it all up.

Level 6
Are you running DFS(r) on that server as well as exchange?

Level 4
have a good weekend, I shall see what you said on Monday!!

Level 4
Hi Guys!!,
Right we are back to square one, completed a full backup over the weekend (minus Exchange mailboxes and shadow copy components), no problem, then Monday night and incremental backup, no problems.  However, came in this morning and the remote exec service bombed out again!! causing the backup of the exchange server to fail.
I am desperate to get this sorted as this is extremely annoying as I'm sure you understand!
many thanks for any more help!

Level 4
Hi all,
Still getting exactly the same problem, any ideas?