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Sudden loss of Directories

Level 2

We have a regular backup job that has been running without many alterations for some time. We have multiple servers, all set up the same way roughly and each inturn is backed up every night - the same directories the same structure etc. 


Suddenly two of them fail completely with the error massage below.


The directory or file was not found, or could not be accessed. Final error category: Job Errors


As far as I can tell nothing has changed either on the backup server or the destination server, all the others are working fine. If I run tests in the properties for the server the Resource Credentials all pass ( we use a common set across all our servers).


I have created a test job, just accessesing one of the failing servers, redoing all the access details by hand still get the same message.


Has anybody got any ideas ?


Backup server and Target server are windows 2003, BE software is 10.d. The lan is all internal on a 10.x.x.x range and I cann access the server directly from the backup server so it is not a routing issue.


Level 6

Only thing I can think if would be to check security on the shares/folders that are failing


Logon to the media server as the BE Service Account and try to map the shares and access the folders

Level 2

Already done that and we can but thanks for the input.

Level 2

I ran into something similar awhile back.  Our server is SBS 2003 Premium, with SQL Server 2000.  BackupExec 10 had been running fine with no problems.  Then, it started reporting Directory not found or somesuch, but when I would have it test all of the directories it would work fine.  Also, the backups would fail immediately after starting.


Found out when the backups started failing, and started looking for updates in the "Add/Remove Programs" section, expecting a Microsoft culprit, but found that we had installed the latest version of ACT! on there on that date (with about 5 users in a workgroup setting).  Turns out that instead of using the existing SQL 2000, ACT! installed a copy of SQL Server Desktop 2005.  My theory is that when BackupExec started trying to update the database when it was starting a job, it was connecting to the wrong database engine.


Removed ACT!, reinstalled BackupExec, and all is working again.  Also, same problem with WSUS 3.0, since it also installs a SQL Server Desktop 2005 engine.


Hope this helps...