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Systemdienst der Bachup-Exec Auftragsengine reagiert nicht

Not applicable
since a few days, all our Backup-Jobs cancel with the following Message in Joblog :
Fehlerkategorie : Auftragsfehler
Fehler : a00081d9 - Der Systemdienst der Backup Exec-Auftragsengine reagiert nicht.

Every morning - after the Backup-Job should have run - the Job-Engine is no longer running

The only Message i get is:

Source: Backup-Exec
Event-ID: 34113
Backup Exec-Meldung: Auftrag fehlgeschlagen
(Server: "FILESRV") (Auftrag: "Daten FILESRV Woche (Dienstag-Freitag)") Daten FILESRV Woche (Dienstag-Freitag) -- Der Auftrag schlug mit folgendem Fehler fehl: Der Systemdienst der Backup Exec-Auftragsengine reagiert nicht.

Is anyone able to help me ??


Level 3
hast du dir schon mal die anderen beiträge mit dem gleichen problem dazu angeschaut ?

und wenn ich schon mal beim klugscheissen bin:

im betreff würde ich hier kein deutsch benutzen (was unmittelbar zum nächsten gutgemeinten tip führt: immer die englische version installieren. fehlermeldungen lassen sich damit schneller einer lösung zuführen).

gruss aus bad offenbach vom wolkenverhangenen kaiserlei

Level 6

Currently the FORUM SUPPORT is available only in English language. However, since the problem description given by you is in English, we can assist you further.

The English version of the error message you get is "a00081d9 - The Backup Exec Job Engine service is not responding."

Please perform the following :

Increase the cancellation time or uncheck "Enable automatic cancellation" for the backup.
Schedule an Inventory job to run before the backup job runs. And also verify that you have enough media to complete the backup job.

Also try stopping all Backup Exec Services and rename the Catalogs folder (under C:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\NT) and restart the BE services.

Please write to us if the issue persists.

Level 6

Currently the FORUM SUPPORT is available only in English language.

But since you have the problem description we can assist you further. The English version of the error message is
a00081d9 - The Backup Exec Job Engine is not responding

Please perform the following :

Increase the cancellation time or uncheck "Enable automatic cancellation" for the backup.
Schedule an Inventory job to run before the backup job runs. And also verify that you have enough media to complete the backup job.

Then stop all the Backup Exec services, rename the Catalogs folder ( C:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\NT) and then restart the BE services.

Please write to us if the issue persists.

Additional Information :
For information on the recent VERITAS Backup Exec security vulnerabilities, including links to the downloads for the necessary hotfixes, please refer to the following document:
Patch summary for Security Advisories VX05-001, VX05-002, VX05-003, VX05-005, VX05-006, VX05-007

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.
