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Tape Catalog job takes forever & byte count climbs 1000s of times above actual tape capacity

Level 2
A client of ours recently moved from BE 11d to 2010. Upgrade didn't work so we now must catalog all tapes (backed up with 11d).

Also disabled "Request all media in the sequence for catalog operations" and "Use storage media-based catalogs", because otherwise catalog jobs used to fail.

Tapes used are LTO3 / 750 GB

Now catalog jobs run fine, BUT, they run for hours on end (last one ran for 12 hours before I cancelled it), AND the job's byte count is climbing to several hundred TERABYTES, while the tape holds just 750 Gigs.

How is this possible??? What's the longest a catalog job should run????  Has anyone run accross this before ?!?!?!

Level 6

This might be an issue with the Backup Exec database. Perform an extensive repair on the Database using BeUtility.

1  : Double-click on the beutility.exe found in C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\beutility.exe
2  : Right Click on the Server name and perform the following steps.
       1 - Dump Database
       2 - Compact Database
       3 - Age Database
       4 - Check Database Consistency

Please follow thie above order.


Level 2
Hello Dev, many thanks for your response.

Of the 4 afforementioned tasks, only Age Database completes successfully. On all other 3 jobs, BEUtility closes before completion and the following error appears on the host server's Application Log;

Faulting application BEUtility.exe, version 13.0.2896.0, faulting module msvcp80.dll, version 8.0.50727.4053, fault address 0x000000000002ba5c.


Any ideas????

Level 6

I think the Database has gone bad. We can restore the Database from Backups using BeUtility.exe.

1  : Stop all the BE Services.
2  : Stop the SQL Service for Backup Exec
3  : Copy the DATA and the CATALOGS folder on a safe place.

Start the SQL service first and then the BE services...

Now we are ready for Reloading the BE Database from Base.

Open BEUtility, right click the Server and click on "Recover Database", Select the option "Drop Existing Database and reload from Backup"

If this fails, the database has gone bad....We need to Reload from Base and all the Jobs and settings will no longer available....

Level 2
There is no backup of the database, so I tried the Reload from Base option

But apparently there is no base available either! Is there a way to just create the database from scratch ???

Level 6

Please let me know the version of Backup Exec...Example: Backup Exec 12.5.1639....
I will send you the blank Databases.....

Level 6
Any news here?