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The directory or file was not found, or could not be accessed

Level 2
Since 1 week I have this error message when I make a backup :
Final error: 0xe00084af - The directory or file was not found, or could not be accessed.
Final error category: Job Errors
For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33967
I have this problem on 3 servers. 2 servers with version 10.0 and 1 server with version 9.0
My backup of Microsoft Exchange Folder work. But my folders on local hard disk C: are not saved. I have tried several folders but it's always the same thing.
My version of Backup Exec is 10.0 rev 5484 with Service Pack 5

Not applicable
I'm am getting the same error on both of my backup servers, one has version 10.0 rev 5484 with sp5 and the other server has version 10.0 rev 5484 with sp4.  I started getting this error when backing up one server and now it has spread to 5 servers some of which are being backed up by ther server with sp5 and some by the server with sp4, so that doesn't seem to be the issue.  Also, one of the servers that I get this error on is one of the backup servers itself.  Yes, that is correct.  The backup server backs itself using local file selection and I get an error that "The directory or file was not found, or could not be accessed."  So that pretty much rules out some type of networking issue.  I have tried backing up different drives on the same machine and even single files with the same error.  Nothing at all gets backed up except for the Shadow Copy Components if I have that selected in the selections list.  I've tried several of the fixes from the knowledge base all to no avail.  Please help before I can't backup any of my servers and I am forced to purchase a backup software that actually works!!!!

Level 2
Started having the same problem on a standalone Windows SBS server with BackupExec 10.0 revision 5484 SP4  about a month ago.  Upgraded to SP5 - no help.  Uninstalled, reinstalled, and tried again -- no help.  Ended up spending several hours on the phone with Dell.  Problem was resolved by installing the free upgrade to BackupExec 10d.
Never found out why the problem started happening, but after many hours of troubleshooting, upgrading to 10d solved it for me.

Not applicable
I went though the same troubleshooting steps as you and am at 10.0 SP5 with the same results.
I'm getting ready to go to 10d as you suggested, i hope it works!
An additional note:
This error started for me after I upgraded to WSS 3.0 and WSUS 3.  There were several required updates which I applied at the same time such as .NET Framework 3.0 etc so it could have been any of those that broke it.

Message Edited by tido on 07-03-200701:22 PM

Level 2
For upgrade your version 10 to 10d you have to subscribed Symantec support service.

Level 2
The problem popped up for me also after upgrading from WSUS 2.0 to WSUS 3.0.
In my case, we had purchased the server & software through Dell, and were able to get the 10d update from Dell support (Veritas support explained that we would be charged to work with them, but that Dell would help up for free)

Level 2
The US technical support didn't want to help me. So, I have contacted the french technical support of Symantec (they answered quickly) and they give me a link to download the upgrade 10 to 10d.
This have fixed my problem.

Level 2
I had exactly the same problem after upgrading from WSUS 2.0 to WSUS 3.0 & I spent days trying to find the answer. But the only way I could stop the error was upgrading to 10d.

Level 2
So it seems pretty apparent that either WSUS 3.0 or one of its prereqs breaks BackupExec 10.0 -- a little off topic, but I thought I'd ask, does BackupExec also break WSUS?  On this same server, I can't launch the WSUS administration console -- I have to install the console on a management desktop and administer WSUS from there.  Is anyone else seeing that issue?  The error I get is Could not add the snap-in. 

Level 2
I had no problems with WSUS after the upgrade to 10d. You could try reinstalling MMC 3.0 and/ or the admin console to see if that fixes the error.

Level 2
I didn't realize that upgrading WSUS from 2.0 to 3.0 was actually the culprit. I've been working on this on/off for about a week. I actually installed SQL 2005, and then upgraded WSUS on the server in question. Here I thought it might of had something to do with SQL, but since reading through this discussion, I am convinced that WSUS is the issue. Now.. I hope I can see the same results as most of you have by upgrading from 10.0 to 10.1 (10d).  I'll let you know.

Level 2
I confirm, WSUS is the issue. Upgrade your version to 10d and it will work.