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Three different physical tapes, one Media GUID???

Level 3

The threadtitle says it all, three tapes are identified as one. HP support points to Backup exec because the same symptoms occur on another server (also backup Exec) what indicates there's no problem with the streamers.

The tapes are usable and don't give any error while using them. I've found more of these cases on this forum with the search, but none of them are answered....

I've also tried re-labeling them with the effect that all tapes now carry the new name so that wasn't any good either.

Any clues why this has happened and of course how to fix it?

Level 6

-- Delete the media from media set and run inventory.

If this does not resolve the issue, perform the following steps:

-- Perfrom rebuild database inbdices and repair database.

-- Refer the following technote:

How to run a Backup Exec database repair when the original Backup Exec database is found to be inconsistent

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Level 3
The first option isn't available, I can only delete the complete media set. So I've done those two other steps without any result.

Did I mention that the tapes are also recognised with the same Media ID on a server they don't belong to and are therefore not listed in that Media Set...

Is the media ID set by the manufacturer, like MAC adresses in network cards?

Level 6

Media used in Backup Exec is identified by its media label. When new, blank, or unlabeled media is used during a backup peration, Backup Exec automatically labels the media. This label consists of a prefix that identifies the cartridge type, and an ncrementing number. For example, if the media is a 4mm tape, then the prefix would be 4M, followed by 000001. The next media label generated for an unlabeled 4mm tape would be
4M000002, and so on. You can allow the media label to be assigned automatically by Backup Exec, or you can
specify a label prefix and number to be assigned for a type of media. For example, you can specify that all 4mm media that are entered for the first time into this installation of Backup Exec are labeled with a prefix of ACCT, and with numbering starting from 1000. You can specify another media type to be labeled with a prefix of FIN, and with numbering starting at 10,000. Customizing labels in this manner can help you recognize and organize media.

Another type of media label used by Backup Exec is the media ID, which is a unique label assigned by Backup Exec to individual media used in Backup Exec. The media ID is used nternally by Backup Exec in order to keep statistics on each media. Because the media label or bar code label for media can be changed, Backup Exec must use the media ID, which cannot be changed or erased, to preserve continuity in record keeping for each individual media. The media ID has no effect on the media label, or on your ability to rename, label, or erase media.

At times, you may need to use the media ID to distinguish media that have duplicate media labels. Duplicate labels can be automatically generated in instances when Backup
Exec is reinstalled or media from another Backup Exec installation is used. Use the media ID to distinguish between duplicate labels. You can view the media ID in a media’s
property page. Write the media label on an external label fixed to the outside of the physical media. Whenever you change the media label, you should also change the external label to

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Level 3
uhmm, I was talking about the Media ID NOT the media label..

I have two servers that both see the same media ID on those three tapes. If you're really doubting that, I'm willing to post some screenshots.


I mean this kind of ID:


Level 6
Thank you for the update, The problem you are talking of is not known to have occurred so far. Nonetheless thank you for answering the foll questions :

1. Please tell us if you have upgraded recently from a lower version.
2. Have you enabled bar codes on the tapes.
3. Has a job spanned across these 3 tapes.

NOTE : If we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to the ‘answered threads’ pool.

Level 3
> 1. Please tell us if you have upgraded recently from
> a lower version.

Yes, from 9.0 to 9.1 with a lot of problems... (host = W2KServ SP4, HP Surestore DDS4

> 2. Have you enabled bar codes on the tapes.

Don't know what that is so I guess no.

> 3. Has a job spanned across these 3 tapes.

No, one tape can and does hold the complete job

Level 6

You have mentioned that the same media ID is seen on all the three tapes. Can you elaborate about the tapes: the vendor,which you had said is HP,but what is the make and model? Also where do you see the same ID? Is it the ID that you have mentioned in your previous mail? '{5A050B8D-B300-4B54-8985-8BE0F23A2904}.

Are the tapes displayed well in the device tab in Backup Exec? Do elaborate on the above.


Level 3
Tapes: HP dds-4 data cartridge

It is indeed the ID I've mentioned earlier. First I let the device run an inventory Job, after completion I view the properties of the tape. That looks like this:

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Level 6

To resolve the issue we request you to reload from base as it might be that the Backup Exec database is corrupt please refer to the technote below:

Note:All media sets, backup-to-disk folders, and other settings will have to be created or configured again.


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Level 3
This is not an option, because I'm also unable to see a link between the corrupt database (?) on one server if both servers display similar behavior when using these tapes.

I'm also unable to predict the results with this action, you (your colleages) said it yourself that the ID cannot be changed. Then why should I destroy the database.

This looks more like a shot in the air to me so please elaborate the previous given advice.

Level 6

As the same media GUID is being displayed for 3 different tapes this issue might occur due to corruption in the ADAMM database as media GUID is feature of Backup Exec.

But since it occurs on 2 of the server and due to the complexity of your issue, resolution will require the personal attention of a VERITAS representative.
Please contact us through your local
support number.You can see a list of support numbers at our support web site:

Please note that you may be charged for this service.

For the latest details on pricing, please visit


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Level 3
We don't have a support contract, so the story ends here. Three tapes isn't worth that support fee as long it only happens to these three. I hope that BE will do it's job correctly when it will receive scratch tapes in the future.

What I would like the know is why BE made this error in the first place?

Thanks for the prevous answers

Level 6

As said earlier, there may be a problem with ADAMM, because of which its showing same Media GUID for 3 tapes.


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Level 6
As per our previous reply, marking the case as assumed answered and moving it to answered questions pool.