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Two Autoloaders - 1 drive each - Library Expansion Violation?

Level 2

I attached a second Superloader 3 to my BE10D server yesterday and I've started getting errors from BE telling me that I have Library Expansion Violations on my system. I checked with CDW and they in turn rechecked with Symantec PreSales and they have all confirmed to me that I can have two autoloaders on the same server as long as each autoloader only has one tape.

Now BE is telling me one thing while all of these different support people are telling me something totally different. Has anyone else run into a problem like this? From what the BE error is telling me, if I have more than one drive - no matter how many autoloaders there are - I need a Library Expansion key?

Your help is much appreciated.


Level 2
For anyone else that comes back with a question like this here was the result.

Symantec pre-sales told me and my vendor that we were good to go as long as each of our autoloaders only had one tape drive. Internal support then came back after we purchased the hardware and told us that indeed that wasnt true and that the pre-sales folks had misinterpreted the documentation.

End result - more than one tape drive seems to be mean an expansion license is in your future.