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Unable to RESTORE individual email message from Exchange 2003 mail store...

Level 3
I have Exchange Server 2003 installed with the proper Backup Exec Agent and am able to backup the Information Store and Public Folders on a daily basis. However, when I run a test restore, I do not have the option of restoring individual mail messages from a user's mailbox! All I am able to do is restore the full Information Store or Public Folders.
From what I have read here on the forums, I have verified my Backup job is setup properly. I also made sure to check the "Enable the restore of individual mail messages and folders from Information Store backups" box within the Microsoft Exchange options of my Backup job.
Does anyone have a suggestion for me to look at or try? Thanks in advance.

Level 6
The Admin Guide page 1230 lists the following requirments for GRT.  have you met all of them?
(Sorry for the formattig - PDF apparently doesn't play nice with the forums)

If the destination device for the backup job is a backup-to-disk folder

 The backup-to-disk folder must be configured as follows:

  ◆ It must reside on a local NTFS volume.

  ◆ It cannot be a removable backup-to-disk folder.

  ◆ It cannot contain junction points.

  ◆ The option Allocate the maximum size for backup-to-disk files cannot be set

     See  “Setting defaults for new backup-to-disk folders” on page 226.

  ◆ If the backup-to-disk folder is in a device pool that contains other types of devices, set

     the priority of the backup-to-disk folder to 1 so that it processes the job.

     See “Creating a backup-to-disk folder” on page 222.



If the destination device for the backup job is to a device other than a backup-to-disk folder

  Backup Exec must have access to a uniquely named mailbox within the Exchange

  organization for backup and restore of the Information Store.

  See “Exchange mailbox access requirements”  on page 1224.


If you create full backups and incremental backups

The full and the incremental job templates must be in a policy, and must have a

backup-to-disk folder as the destination device.

If you run only a full backup of the Information Store, the full job template does not have to be in a policy.

See “Creating a new policy” on page 416.



Message Edited by Ken Putnam on 08-16-200711:15 AM

Level 3
Thank you for your reply, Ken.
I did have everything you suggested already setup correctly on my end. But I have a NEW development! It appears that the only way I can make this work is by creating a Backup-to-Disk Folder and backing up my Exchange Server to B2DF! I tested this theory and I indeed was able to select individual mail messages from the Information Store and restore them. However, this is not a practical way for me to do my backups and would like very much to have the SAME ability to select individual mail messages from my TAPE backup, just as I had done in the past with an older version of Veritas Backup Exec using the same drive. (My tape drive is a Dell Powervault (PV-122T) autoloader.)
Any more suggestions or comments as to why I might not be able to do this?

Level 4
I was testing out the exact same setup this week and have the same results.  We can drill down further, as in there is a "+" next to the individual store, but the contents say None.  I was debating doing a Disk backup to test, but it looks like that's exactly what you did.

Level 3
Same problem here - not able to recover individual messages while backing up to tape. I was hoping that Hotfix 14 was going to fix this problem as it stated in its release notes, but it does not. Yes, I have re-pushed the agent to the Exchange server after patching with Hotfix 14.
Any thoughts? So B2D works but Backup to tape does not?
What issues does this hotfix resolve?
  • Duplicate to Tape failed after successful backup Exchange 2003 with GRT to B2d
  • Exchange mail messages garbled after GRT restore
  • GRT: All granular restore selections are missing when backing up to tape  - Still Broken
  • GRT: Access denied on B2D backups or restore from tape from an x64 bit media server
  • AD: Backup of ADAM fails with a VFF error, Open Thread Token failed, last error = 000003F



Message Edited by Douglas King on 08-17-200710:35 AM

Message Edited by Douglas King on 08-17-200710:35 AM

Message Edited by Douglas King on 08-17-200710:36 AM

Level 3
I can attest that a B2D allowed me to select individual mailboxes and/or messages to selectively restore from my Information Store backup. Unfortunately, it appears that a few of us are having the same issue when it comes to backing up to TAPE, though.
I read the Hotfix 14 fix information and hoped it would resolve the issue, too. (It took me about 5 attempts on 5 different days to finally download all of the hotfixes and apply them using LiveUpdate..... boy was that a mess!) But I assume it is installed correctly if it appears in my "Installed Updates" list. However, I did NOT re-push the Agent back onto the Exchange Server since I applied the patches to my Backup Exec server. I am doing so this very minute and will let you know my results after tonight's FULL backup.
On an another note, my TAPE backup is actually significantly quicker than my B2D - (550MB/minute B2D  vs. 1.3GB/minute TAPE) -  I love my tape drive!! :)

Level 4
I had this same issue and applied all the hotfixes and HF 14 and now when I do a Backup to tape and then test a restore I see ALL my mailboxes so HF 14 is working as advertised.
David Abowitt
Sr. Systems Admin
Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles

Level 3
Unfortunately, the re-push of the Hotfix 14 onto my Exchange Server 2003 box did NOT fix the problem of me not being able to see individual mailboxes when I attempt a restore from tape. Does ANYONE from Symantec browse these forums or are we all relying on each other's experiences to get our problems resolved?? I mean, it appears I am not the only one experiencing this issue!!
David, I have a few questions. (1) When you re-applied all of the Hotfixes, did you re-apply them through Liveupdate? Or did you download each Hotfix individually?  (2) Did you only apply the Hotfixes to the Backup Exec server? Or did you apply the Hotfix locally on each box that was being backed up?  I appreciate your feedback as I would like to get this issue resolved right away! Thanks in advance.
So, as a summary, I am STILL NOT ABLE to restore individual mail messages from my Mailbox Store backed up using a TAPE DEVICE, but I am able to restore individual mail messages from my Mailbox Store if it is backed up to a B2D folder device. Help, please!!!

Level 3
It would be greatly appreciated if a Symantec employee would chime in with suggestions, questions, etc.

Level 6
Hi Douglas King,

Please note that this is a peer-to-peer discussion forum and not a replacement for technical support.

Usually customers come to the rescue. Other times, when they are available, a Symantec employee will volunteer his/her time to find and help solve issues just like any other member of the community.

However, in some cases, it looks like you might be better off contacting Symantec Support Services for 24/7 access to technical support professionals. You can also try using our Knowledge Base Search.

Hope that helps!

Level 4
Quote from Email support, the only other non-phone support option, after 3 pages of questions:
"VERITAS Backup Exec for Windows Servers version 11d (11.0) no longer offers e-mail support. For all electronic support for this product visit our moderated Support Forums. "

What part of "moderated" means "peer to peer" only?

Also, when choosing whether I want Symantec forums or Peer to Peer newsgroups, I choose the Forums so I know someone is looking at it, and now you say they "volunteer" time for it and it's primarily peer to peer?

Two places where I specifically choose NOT peer to peer are directed HERE.



Message Edited by DY on 08-21-200712:19 PM

Message Edited by DY on 08-21-200712:20 PM

Level 3
Excellent point DY. Per Symantec, these forums are a valid avenue of seeking support for their products.
A Symantec employee really needs to take a look at this thread and see what can be done for their customers.
Issue - 11D Exchange GRT when backing up to Tape is still broken. Hotfix 14 did not fix it.
Furthermore, to put it bluntly, Symantec phone support is horrible and slow. I don't need to mention the language barriers. I avoid it at all costs. Thank goodness for these forums.

Level 4
I just tried installing Hotfix 14 and repushed remote agents to all servers.  Tried backing up Exchange Information Store to TAPE and doing a restore.  Individual message restore NOT FUNCTIONING.
Removed license for Exchange, verified Exchange components could not be selected, then reinstalled.  Tried again.  Still NOT FUNCTIONING.
Backed up to DISK instead.  That DID work.  Now at least I know what it SHOULD do.
Verified Hotfix 14 is installed.  Tried one more time to TAPE.  Still NOT FUNCTIONING. 
Looks like we all have the identical problem, that Hotfix 14 does NOT fix this issue.

Level 3
Thanks for the update, DY! Yes, it appears we are sharing identical issues. Very thorough test performed on your end. Although I want the problem fixed, I am glad I am not the only one experiencing it.
Out of curiosity, what Make/Model is your tape drive? Is it a DAT / DLT / LTO drive? I am also beginning to wonder if having Shadow Copy services running on my Exchange Server could affect the TAPE backup of my Exchange Information Store?? (Although the restore selections still include individual mailbox/message restore if I backup to disk instead of tape, so this still doesn't make sense!!)
I have read a couple other threads of users claiming they are able to see individual mail messages when they attempt a restore from tape. So it leads me to believe we may have some sort of compatibility issue with our drives??!!?? I do not know.... no one else is chiming in with suggestions. :(
One other note: I have a 1-year paid subscription to Essential Support for all of my Backup Exec components. So I called support and opned a ticket yesterday at approximately 1:00pm EST. It is now 9:06am the next day and a support representative has not called me back yet!!! I believe that this is going to be our best option at trying to get this issue resolved. And it is so sad that we have not had a solid answer, yet. (I, too, read on the Symnatec support site that email support for Backup Exec was no longer an option. That is how I was referred to these forums. So I hope that a Symantec employee DOES indeed browse this thread and provide some insight...   :)

Level 4
I have the identical drive you have, Dell PowerVault 122T LTO autoloader.  Even still, I find it hard to believe a tape drive compatibility issue is at fault.  Restore selection lists pull from the catalogs only, the drive is only accessed after selection is made and the job runs.  That means the problem is most likely with the Exchange Agent that runs on the media server.

Level 3
I completely agree with your thought process and analogy.
But why is it that we ARE able to see the individual selections when we drill down into a B2D folder catalog (when attempting a restore) but NOT able to see them on our TAPE catalog (when attempting a restore)? I have all of the same options selected for BOTH backup jobs. And, of course, BOTH jobs are using the same Agent when performing the backup itself. So I still have to wonder about a compatibility issue. Perhaps the catalog creation is different for a particular device. (It is too coincedental that we have the exact problems with the same equipment!) :)
Anybody else that is experiencing the same problems, could you please let us know what tape drives YOU are using? Thanks! 

Level 3
I am using a Quantum SDLT-S4 tape drive (800GB/1600GB per tape) with a SuperLoader 3 (16 slot) connected to a Dell PowerEdge 2950 by way of a Adaptec 39320 (U320).

Level 3
As a follow-up, I am using a Dell PowerVault 122T LTO autoloader connected to a Dell PowerEdge 2950 server via Adaptec 29160 SCSI adapter. But at least we have different tape drives, which eliminates my tape device compatibility theory.  Hmmmmm...

Level 4
OK, I may have gotten it finally, though it's kinda wierd.
Open up AD and locate the user account you are using for Backup/Restore.
Exchange Advanced
UNCHECK the box for "Hide from Exchange Address Lists"
This checkbox disallows that account to access any Exchange functions, whether it be opening its own mailbox or any other.  I was able to test a restore after clearing this box.

Level 3
Interesting. I will take a look at the account and "Network Accounts" in Backup Exec to see if it helps us out too. I will report back.
Thanks DY.