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Unable to initialize Remote Agent

Level 2
I upgraded my MAS200 server from NT4 to Server 2003 and applied all the patches. I pushed my remote agent to this server and now I get the error 'Unable to initialize Remote Agent'. It completes the backup with this message: The job completed successfully. However, the following conditions were encountered: Could not completely protect remote computers because the Backup Exec Remote Agent was not installed.

Level 6
Please check if the remote agent service is running.
Please give us more info about your environment. Which version of Backup Exec..etc.
Also check if the name resolution is working without any issue.
Check if ping -a IP adress works.


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 2
Yes the service is running. I'm backing up three windows 2003 servers all current with patches. The version of Backup Exec is 9.1.
Name resolution is working and I can ping an IP address.

It is backing up the remote server but it keeps giving the "Completed with exception" message. In the job log for Backup Exec is says "Unable to initialize Remote Agent".

All I really want to know is how do you un-install the Remote Agent? I'll re-install to see if it clears the message.


Level 4
Go into Control panel and uninstall the Remote Agent from Add/Remove programs.

Failing that, click Start-->Run and then type the path to your Backup Exec source folder or CD, including the following path: -


Then type the following: -

setup.exe /RANT32: -s -u

Level 6

Please uninstall through add-remove programs and then do a silent install with the help of the technote below:


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.