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Upgraded to SP4 and lost contact with my Unix/MacOS X agent

Level 3

This is really frustrating since the problems started with me being unable to restore data to my Mac OS X raidserve disk, described in my previous post in this forum. So I thought that upgrading to the latest service pack maybe could solve the issue. It didn't and now my problems are far more complicated.

Here's the deal:
Using BE 9.1 for Windows Servers on a win2K server with the Mac OS X agent (be_agnt.tar) installed on Tiger 10.4.3 and multiple remote agents for my Windows servers. I've made a fresh upgrade to SP4 and pushed out all the agents again except for the Mac agent which seems to be the same date as before.

Agent.cfg is configured according to the manuals and the hosts file contains an entry for my BE server. I've restarted the agent manually several times. The passwords haven't changed. I've even added the OS X server to the hosts file of my BE server. The Mac agent shows up in the BE administration and I CAN make selections in the published tree.
I can NOT backup the data in my selections since I suddenly can't connect to the remote agent during a backup or restorejob. I've tried resetting the passwords in my account credentials with no luck.

I really need support on this since i'm stuck and can't get any further!
Best regards,

Level 3

I'm unable to connect to my remote MAC OS X agent after upgrading to SP4 of BackupExec 9.1 for windows servers.

Tried reinstalling the agent but still the problem persists...

Funny thing is that I'm able to make selections in my selection lists using this agent but I can't connect when backing up or restoring.

Please advice!

Level 6
Hello Mr Karlsson,

What is the exact error message that it is giving while connecting to the MAC ?

Is the remote agent running under Local System account ?

Kindly update.


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.

Level 3
I was under the impression that it doesn't matter what account the Mac agent is running under as long as the passwords match, or isn't that right?

It obvioulsy isn't since I got this working now by changing the System Logon Account on the Backup server from the local admin account to my domain admin account althou the passwords are the same.

This doesn't seem to be an issue anymore but I'd still like to express my concern as to way the logon credentials would be altered when applying a simple update to the software. This has caused me some serious headache, not to mention the frustration, for almost 2 weeks now and it really shouldn't since this is supposed to be my "safty net".

Thanks for all the help.


Level 6

- The remote agent should always run under Local System account�..

- Is the issue resolved?

- Can we close the post?


Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked �assumed answered� and would be moved to �answered questions� pool.


Level 5
the agent should run as root. running as anything else means you'll have to be aware of the posix permissions on every file you wish to back up*.

other things, the system logon account password should match the password in your agent.cfg. this is the only password that matters. here is my agent config, edited for security

export / as root include_remote password
tell_interval 30
exclude_dir /dev
exclude_dir /proc

include_remote is to bypass a bug with the remote agent and Redhat LVM. it may or may not apply with your OSX machine

*if you insist on this, you'll need to set everything world readable (a dangerous configuration under any circumstances) or set the group on every file in the filesystem to be the backup user's group and set it all files group readable.

Level 6

On media server a user with administrative rights on the Macintosh system should be used for backups.

To access the workstation you must create Backup Exec logon account that uses the same password as the one entered here.

Please update us on this issue and let us know if the issue is resolved or not!

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.