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Upgraded to v12 - getting RSM cannot manage library changer 0, the database is corrupt

Level 3
I just upgraded my Backup Exec 11D to version and I'm getting the following error message in my event log and in the alerts tab of Backup Exec 12.
Alert Error-
RSM cannot manage library changer 0, the database is corrupt
Event Viewer Error
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Removable Storage Service
Event Category: None
Event ID: 15
Date:  3/6/2008
Time:  1:50:29 PM
User:  N/A
Computer: PWA-FILE
RSM cannot manage library Changer0. The database is corrupt.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at

I tried stopping the Removable Storage service and cleaning out the files in the NtmsData folder and restarting the service and the server but it did not work.  Suggestions?  Please?

Message Edited by Evil_Robot on 03-06-2008 02:04 PM

Level 4
You might try disabling the Removable Storage service instead of leaving it at Manual.

Level 3
The program runs correctly even though I'm getting this error.  I guess I'll just live with it.