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V-79-57344-33928 - Access Denied. Cannot backup directory Mailbox Store and its subdirectories.

Level 4
Can anyone help me with this issue? Our Exchange Backup To Disk fails everynight with the above error. When I look at the job log it is saying that it backed up 40GB (which is correct), but the job status is 'Failed', and the backup set is unuseable for restore purposes.
The strange thing here is that the B2D job was working fine, until last week. The account that is running the job is both a Domain Admin and a local admin on the Exchange Server. We are runnning Exchange 2003 Standard, and BE 11d on Win 2003 x64 Storage Server R2.

Level 2

Hello Symantec,


I’m running BackupExec v.12.0, rev.1364 with SP3 & hotfixes 317974 & 319698 on Server 2003 SP2 Standard (x86), I am attempting to run a GRT backup on a single Exchange 2007 Server runing on Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) on the same domain.


We are migrating to the new backup appliance with the current one still in place, it has the same OS and BE installations, SPs and hotfixes as the new one as well as the same domain-admin-equivilant user account for running the jobs (this account has a mailbox associated with it).


We do have disabled AD accounts with live mailboxes which cannot be disabled as they will be purged from the system. As you must be able to respect, sometimes we must disable a former user’s access whilst leaving the mailbox available to their successor and/or manager. Aside from anything else these disassociated accounts and mailboxes do not cause the old applaince to fail the exact same backup job.


We are backing up to B2D volumes residing on the appliance where BE is installed, one dedicated to the Exchange backup and one for the remaining production servers. Both are 1.5TB SATA hot-swap HDDs.


As we’re running Exchange 2007 I’ve not yet run a legacy backup as it is “not supported for Exchange 2007”, although I did run the job with GRT disabled and it completed successfully.


I can’t understand why the old box doesn’t have issues and the new one does, especially as we didn’t re-create the jobs, we pushed them across using BE on the old appliance. This is already becoming somewhat critical and I’m not particularly optimistic at the moment as the general concensus seems to be this was “fixed” in v.11, having been through best pratices guides for the BackupExec user account, remote agent and Exchange backup and nothing yields positive results.


Any suggestions?

Level 2
I tried turning off GRT and sill got the same error.

Level 2
Many thanks for your help on this problem. As of 3/31/2009 I am having the same problems mentioned in the original post and I have rough the same setup:
Win 2003
Exch 2003
BE 11d - 7170
We backup to both Tape & Disk and get the same error on both.
We were playing catch up with updates and I think it started after an update.

First I ruled out the problem the Exch 2007 people were having - the account has Admin rights and a published mailbox. 

I am now working through your other suggestions one-by-one.

Is there anything new since your original post?

Not applicable

B4 reading this entire thread I have had the luxury of Dells Gold Support team assisting in this matter.  I have gone round and round down all the items listed here.  I know there is a hole somewhere however I have yet to find it.  I have been at this for 3 weeks now and Im burning out.  this access denied almost has me beat and I don’t give up easily lol. 

I am happy to pay however cannot seem to get to anyone in support that doesn’t run me round the same stuff every time.  I realize each person has to familiarize themselves with the issue but oof  lol

I’m recommending a different app in two weeks for backup solutions,  not going to be pretty as this was not a cheap solution.  I’m wondering if there is a Symantec onsite option??   this just simply needs to be solved as they have been dealing with this over 8 months.  I’m pretty new around here and have made many changes per Symantec and dells documents regarding this problem.  I feel that has helped allot as they used to have pages of errors lol now just the two access denied errors.  dont suppose that there is a tech still monitoring this thread??

Win2003 R2 SP2 x64
Exchange 2007

Backup server:
Win2003 R2 SP2 x32
Backup exec 12 loaded with all license options

Level 2
Partner Accredited
I've got the same issue hardware listed below:

Backup server:
Win2003 r2 sp2 32bit
backup ex 12 Rev. 1364

Exchange server:
Win2008 standard, 64bit sp2
Exchange 2007

The last time I was able to get the backup to work on the exchange side using GRT was by moving the datastores as the first items to be backed up. It worked like that for several days and then started failing again with the same errors:
Backup- \\SERVER3\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group
V-79-57344-33928 - Access Denied. Cannot backup directory Mailbox Database and its subdirectories.

Backup- \\SERVER3\Microsoft Information Store\Second Storage Group
V-79-57344-33928 - Access Denied. Cannot backup directory Public Folder Database and its subdirecto...

I've been following this topic now for several months, have tried everything mentioned here with no success.

Level 2
Partner Accredited
For me this is what fixed my issue of all things a generic windows driver fixed something instead of breaking something!

1) I updated the tapes drivers using generic windows drivers, not the vendors, gave the server a reboot after the install and ran the backup. Have had all successful backups since.


Not applicable
I have fixed mine with this specs:

Backup server:
Win2003 r2 sp2 32bit
backup ex 11d

Exchange server:
Win2003 standard, 64bit sp2
Exchange 2007

If you have done all of the instructions from Best Practises Guide and if it still doesn't work, you have to check if there is IPv6 installed on your Network Connection setting on Exchange 2007.  If yes, you have to uninstall it.

This fix the issue for Exchange 2007 on  Win2003 Standard 64bit sp2 too.
I end-up uninstall the IPv6 (not just untick) and restart the Exchange2007.