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VXA-2 X23 Tape Sizes and Compression Inconsistencies in Backup Exec 11d SP2 7170

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 I have read this post: and I am having very similar problems.
(We have an Exabyte vxa-320 at one of our branch offices that is using X23 tapes. 160/320 capacity. In backup exec 11d these tapes show with a maximum capacity of 147GB. They are set as 8mm and not 8mm VXA (160). We have tried changing this value on the cartridges but it dosent seem to take on a new capacity when doing a quick erase and we dont have the option to perform a format. Do you have to perform a long erase on each of these tapes? How do you get these tapes to show their native uncompressed capacity? We dont have this problem with our local LTO3. These X23 tapes were used with backup exec 10d before 11d. )
But I do not see an answer to resolve this issue. I have kept Backup Exec updated with all the Service Packs and Hotfixes, and even change device drivers for the VXA-2 Autoloader (10 Tape Carousel). Does not resolve our issue. I can one day have a X23 tape read as 147GB and backup up correctly on a Monday Differential, and then next Monday having to use the exact same tape, it has now changed to a 74BG tape after inventory with a different compression ratio. (So it acts like it has a mind of it's own and changes tape sizes when inventoried.) I have yet to see the X23 Tape sizes get the 160/320 GB sizes as listed by the manufacturer, but I feel it's got something to do with the Backup Exec Software. My only solution it to pray the tape gets inventoried correctly or have additional tapes with me when I change them each day. This is becoming a very big problem for us and I hope someone can help answer my issues. Thx!
