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Veritas 10d "needed" options...

Level 3
I am a consultant evaluating backexec 10d for a large company. We currently use 8.5 with Open File Option. We are now looking to use 10d because of the disk-to-disk support. Does 10d support open file backup and disk to disk backups right out of the box? Or do I have to purchase the options to make that successful?

Level 6
v10 supports B2D out of the box (that started with v8.6)

AOFO is an extra cost option, one serial per server to be protected that way.

Level 3
What does the Adv disk to disk offer that the built in does not?

Level 2
> v10 supports B2D out of the box (that started with
> v8.6)
> AOFO is an extra cost option, one serial per server
> to be protected that way.

I've been trying to get an answer for this and don't seem to be gettin a reply, when you say one serial per server, do you mean one serial per backup server, or one serial per server you plan to backup.

Level 6
Here is the sales blurb

Enables faster backups and restores through advanced disk-based backup and recovery, including synthetic and off-host backups to perform zero impact backups. Synthetic backups reduce backup windows and network bandwidth requirements, and do not impact the original client. Additionally, Synthetic backups allow for quick client restore from a single backup image to reduce the number of tapes and eliminate the need to restore from incremental backups. The Off-host backup feature enables better backup performance and frees the remote computer by processing the backup operation of the remote computer on a Backup Exec media server instead of on the remote computer, or host computer.

The big thing is Synthetic Backups. You can merge a Full (or another Synthetic) backup and an INCR or DIFF backup to create a single restore media to reduce recovery time

Level 6
Well, v9 was one AOFO serial per server, media or remote

But as I understand it v10 is one serial per media server, and one CAL per remote server (I could very well be wrong. I've never needed so have never purchased AOFO

I saw your other post and all I can say is keep calling Sales till you get the same answer a few times, then get it in writing, so if it turns out they were wrong you have your own butt covered

Level 2
Thanks Ken, I can defenitly understand a remote CAL per server that you plan to backup, and one AOFO per media server. But one of each for each server you plan to backup just doesn't sound right to me. I think I will take your advise and call again.