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Veritas Back up error msg

Level 2
We need help with an error message from our back up software: 
"Final error 0xe00848c - Unable to attach to a resource.  Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again." Can someone help?  Our IT company is being totally unresponsive and we need to correct this so we can back up our data.

Level 6

This error usually occurs when you have made some selection for  backup job and the selected resourse does not exisit or in unavaialble . If the resource which you selected for backup does not exist u need to go the selection details in the selection and remove the selection on which the backup is failling

Level 2
Thanks RahulG

 the B/U msg appears to specify the files:

Backup- D: Local DiskUnable to attach to \\W2KSERVER\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes.
V-79-57344-33932 - Unable to attach to a resource. Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again.
Unable to attach to \\W2KSERVER\Microsoft Exchange Public Folders.
V-79-57344-33932 - Unable to attach to a resource. Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again.

Please advise if you can help

Level 6


In the job setup screen for this backup job select resource credentials (on the left hand side).
Select the Mailboxes and Public Folders on your Exchange server and choose to Test Selected.
Verify that the account that is being used to back them up has sufficient access to do so.

Has this backup ever worked?

Hope this helps,


Level 6
What version of backup exec are you running ? IF itis 11d or higher you just need to backup the IS with the Grt option selected .

Level 6
Also let me know if you can selected individual mailboxes in the backup selection ? as if you are not able to select it would be issue with the account rights and permission

Not applicable
I have the same error

"Final error 0xe00848c - Unable to attach to a resource. Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again."

However I can run backups on any directory no problem, but if I select a MSQL DataBase I get the above error.

I have checked the sql logon password and I can view the databases, but while accessing the server for database backup I get the error.

Any Ideas

Level 6
Has the Backup Account got sufficent access to the SQL db's to back them up?
What happens when you test the resource creds?


Level 2

Our version of Back up Exec is 9.1 and until 1 week ago was running back ups regularly with no exceptions.

Now we get this error message saying the back up failed because of not finding the 2 resources we discussed previously - that both appear to related to Exchange Server.

Our OS is Windows Small Bus Server 2000, and Exchange is running on the same server.


Level 6

Something must have changed! Checked Event Viewer on both the media server and the exchange server and post anything relevant.


Level 2

Please advise how to access Event Viewer for Media Server and Exchange Server.

In Back up Exec we accessed the Job Set Up screen and when we finally located the MBX and Shared Folder files they were unchecked.  What would cause this to happen surrepticiously?? 

We checked them off, however, when we ran "Test" in the Resouce screen, all tested successfully EXCEPT those same files.

Is it necessary to reboot the media/exchange server (one and the same) in order for this to "take"?

Please comment....

Level 3
Hi there....

Firstly, what version of Exchange are you trying to backup?  Do you also have the Backup Exec Exchange agent installed on your Backup server (it must have been when your backups were successful, but has it recently been removed?)

Secondly, I used to backup Exchange 5.5 servers using brick level backups, which sounds like what you are doing, and they can be tricky to set up and also troubleshoot when they go wrong.  If you can't access the mailboxes, it could be to do with the account that is used to backup the mailboxes / public folders up as there are certain conditions it needs to adhere to (see backup exec admin guide for brick level backups).  I don't use this method on later Exchange servers (2003 +) as you can restore mailboxes by creating a Recovery Storage Group and using Exmerge to extract a users' .pst file from the backup.  I suspect though that you would be getting an access denied error mesage if it was related to the account you are using, so this may not be the cause.

The other thing to check is to see if you can access a share on the exchange server from the backup media server using a UNC path and make sure all relevant exchange services are running on the exchange server as well.

I have spotted this link, which may help as well, which was posted by someone who has had a similar issue:

Hope this all helps anyway....