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Virtual Server Instance Pausing During Backup

Level 2

This is an interesting one.  We have a Hyper-V server in our environment.  This Hyper-V server has 4 guest machines running on it.  For some reason, one of those machines has started pausing itself to take a snapshot durring backups.  I can find no reason for this behavior in any of the logs.  It's almost like Backup Exec and Hyper-V are both doing exactly what they think they should be doing.  Only one guest server is doing this.

I've read that this is a normal procedure when a backup is performed on a machine that doesn't fully integrate with Hyper-V - I've checked the settings on the VM, and it does have the "Backup" option checked under integration.


Here are the details of our Environment:

Hyper-V Server:
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise SP2 x64

Windows Server 2008 Enterprise SP2 x64

Backup Exec 2010 w/ Remote Agent, Hyper-V and Exchange licenses installed - I did check, and there are some remote agent updates waiting to be applied.

The guest server happens to be our Exchange Server which is why this is becoming a bit of an annoyance.  I'll be rearranging the backup order so that this guest server gets hit earlier in the backup window.  I don't think anybody will notice if this happens at 4am, but the fact that its happening it all is baffling to me.  

I've reviewed the options on the Backup Job including the Hyper-V configuration tab, and the settings appear to be correct - and like I said, this behavior is only happening on one of the four guest machines.

What do you guys think?  Let me know if you need more information.