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Will SharePoint agent support SharePoint 2007?

Level 4
Will the Backup Exec SharePoint agent support Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) 3.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Services (MOSS) 2007? These are the new versions scheduled to come out any day now.

Level 4

Sharepoint 2007 will not be supported by BE11d. We are actively working on updating our agent to support Sharepoint 2007 as close as possible to its release date.
However, BE11d has a new feature for Sharepoint 2003 users called GRT : Granular Recovery Technoloy which will allow a document level restore from a fuil database backup

Level 2

I was told by a member of Symantec's technical support team that 11D would support SharePoint Services 3.0. You post seems to be supporting the same concept. However, all of the documentation on 11D thus far mentions SharePoint Portal Server and NOT SharePoint Services. Have you seen any documentation by Symantec that states they will support SharePoint Services 3.0?

Level 6
Employee Certified
There may have been a minor misunderstanding; 11d supports Sharepoint Portal Server 2003 and Windows Sharepoint Services 2.0.
When Backup Exec supports Sharepoint Portal Server 2007, it will also support Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0.
Sorry for the confusion.

Level 2
Great, good to know. I do have Sharepoint Services 2.0 running right now. I may not make the upgrade then. Is there any documentation that discusses the backups of WSS 2.0 (i.e. - Does it back up at the site level, file level, etc)?

Level 4
Office 2007, including Office SharePoint Server 2007, RTM'd Nov. 6. The official business rollout is Nov. 30, although the binaries are expected to be widely available for download before then, maybe in the next week. Can you narrow down when the updated agent for SharePoint 2007 will be available? Will it be a free upgrade for those of us who just purchased the old SharePoint agent?


Level 4
According to the 11d FAQ (Document ID: 283427):

"23. What are some of the requirements and considerations when using GRT?

SharePoint 2003 installed on a Windows x64 server or using SQL 2005 x64-bit is not supported"

Will the new SharePoint agent support GRT for SharePoint 2007 running on Windows 2003 x64 and SQL 2005 running on Windows 2003 x64?

Level 5
I'd like to know this as well

We're just about to start planning a deployment of SharePoint 2007 on W2003 x64 front end and SQL2005 x64 back end

Level 4
OK let me clarify all of this as it cn get pretty complicated:

If you want to protect SharePoint Portal Server you need the Agent for SharePoint Portal Server
If you want granular recovery of SharePoint Portal Server or Windows SharePoint Services you need to purchase the Backup Exec Agent for SharePoint Portal Server.
If you only want to protect Windows SharePoint Services, without GRT, then you can simply backup up the server on which the services are running; the downside: you have to recover the whole database, you get no granularity

Hope it helps

Symantec Product Manager

Level 4
Additionally, the limitations on x64 support will be removed in the first quarter of 2007


Not applicable
Has there been any progress on an agent for this? The built in Backup from SharePoint does not even back everything up.



Level 4
Symantec is driving towards as Q1-2007 release of an Agent for SharePoint 2007.

It will also support 64-bit platforms - SPS server, SQL 2005 server, BE media server.

Level 6
Employee Certified
This thread has a correct answer

Not applicable
Is there more information on when this agent will be released, as we're almost at the end of Q1-2007

Not applicable
I have BE 11.0 Rev 7170  installed (evaluation version for the moment).
I can not even connect to an WSS 3.0
I installed all hotfixes.
Maybe that Revision (7170)  not supports WSS 3.0?