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Yellow Exclamation Mark in selction list for remote pc's

Level 3
I have 2 servers with the normal BE Agent icon, but the rest have yellow exclamation marks that I have no idea what they are...Everything works just fine. Anyone know what these are?


Level 3
anyone?? :)

Level 3
Hi James,

I have them too, I'd love to know what they mean. Everything seems to be working OK, and I have no alerts outstanding, yet most servers still have a yellow exclamation (although curiously, not all).

I can't find reference to them in the help file anywhere.


Level 3
Gonna place a call with them today and see what is going on...

Level 6
There is a TechNote that explains the overlay icons in the Restore Selections List, but with the new "improved" POS search I can't find it. The old Veritas search just worked, the new one doesn't.

Typical of a company aquired by Symantec in my experienceMessage was edited by:
Ken Putnam

Level 3
You know, I had to admit this, but you are absolutely correct.

Level 3
This is what support told me.. "As long as it is backing up everything just fine, ignore it."

So, there you go!

Level 3
I have the same icons. They mean that the backup exec agent isnt installed or seen. Infact, if you right click on one of the icons you will see it says that the Backup Exec Agent is not installed.

We know it is. And it does seem to back up correctly. We hope.........

Level 3
Hi Charles,

If I right-click on the icons and choose Properties I see that the backup agent IS installed. It tells me the version number of the agent too (which is correct).

Most of my icons are yellow exclamation marks, but 2 or 3 aren't. There is no obvious difference between the servers that are and the ones that aren't. I'm backing up about 15 servers.

I also run Backup Exec 11d at other customers and all of them have this issue. New installs and upgraded ones.

I think support saying "if everything is backing up OK, ignore them" is ridiculous. I want to know what they mean. Where is it documented? Where is the Technote?

"Just ignore them" - sheesh, that's an awful response.


Level 6
I agree. The software appears to be telling us there's a problem. Ignore it? What other errors should we ignore?

Level 3
Yeah, I asked the girl if she was serious on that response and she said yes. If I right click on my yellow icons, it shows the agent installed. Hell, it even happens on my SQL server which the system state, databases and drives are all backed up still...Guess it is a waiting game....

Level 3
I think I've figured it out.

The yellow exclamation mark means that that media server has not received "publishing information" from the remote agent in over 24 hours. It will remain this way for 13 days and then I guess it will be automatically purged (from the "Favorite Resources" node).

The publishing option is an option you can set on each remote agent. By default when you push the agent from the media server, it seems to publish itself once (therefore it appears in the Favorite Resources node), however the option to continually publish is disabled in the agent. Therefore on the first day, the server appears without the yellow exclamation mark, and then after 24 hours it appears and remains with the exclamation mark forever (until it is purged in 13 days I assume).

If you logon to each server and set the publishing option in the agent, the exclamation mark goes away.

This is why I always had 2 or 3 servers which showed up without the exclamation mark. They were the new servers which I'd only installed the agent on in the last 24 hours.

This is explained on page 319 in the Backup Exec Administrator's Guide PDF.

Hope this helps.


Level 6
I concur. About a week after updating all the remote agents on our network our exchange server popped up with this...a week after though upgrading all the agents though, so a little different then what has been discussed here, but regardless.

I did as David suggested, open the remote agent locally on the server showing these yellow explanation marks, click the publishing tab, and select the box to allow the remote agent to publish status information.

This change was immediatly noticable on the media server after refreshing the selection list for the given backup job.

Level 6
Shouldn't support have told James this when he called?

Level 6
Perhaps they couldn't find the article in the new knowledgebase?

Level 6