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backup times of exchange 2003 mailboxes

Level 2
recently backup times on our exchange 2003 server have lengthened greatly from 1.5/2hrs to 6.5hrs. Reviewing the job history 90% of the backup time is spent on the exchange mailboxes. The job rate used to be around 100mb/min for the mailboxes but has dropped to 13mb/min.

Are there any fixes or updates with BE that will help solve this issue?

Level 6

Please see the technote below to resolve the issue:


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Level 2
thank you for the reply...

after reading that it does clear up some issues. at this moment we have NAV 10.0.1 installed and useing BE 9.1 Would loading SP3 for BE help resolve the issue or should we look at installing the newest version of BE?

thanks...Message was edited by:
Jayson Parker

Level 6
By the nature of the way that they are done, Mailbox or Brick-Level backups are orders of magnitude slower than stiores backups

Backup Exec has to log on to Exchange, attache to each selected mailbox and then open and "read" each item in that mailbox. This is extremely inefficient, especially over a network

See to determine what Veritas calls a "reasonable time" for Brick Level backups

Level 2

i've read through the support document and it does give some pretty good insight to why it takes a while.

I'm just still wondering why our backups suddenly went from 1.5-2 hours one day to 5-6 hours the next day. the only thing i can think of is our install of symantec AV 10.0... do you think that would have anything to do with it?

Level 6
Sorry, gotta learn to read the whole post

If that is all that has changed, then SAV is probably the culprit. Just to test, try turning off the AV services and running a test of a few mailboxes and see it is any faster

(Don't forget to turn the AV back on after the test!)