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belnapi.exe causes large virtual memory usage - Domino crashes

Level 3
I am having a strange issue with one of the domino servers of our customer. When a backup is attempted or if we attempt to enumerate the databases available using the lotus domino agent in the backup selection list, the virtual memory climbs instantly from approximately 700MB to 4GB. We have 10.0 with SP2 installed on the media server and deployed the agent from it to this domino server. None of our other domino servers have any issues. Just this one server.

What I've noticed so far is that if I attempt to view databases on "C" then the memory doesnt jump. The moment I select "D" it goes nuts. Note at this point domino isnt runnning and the service status is manual. Even if Domino were running the behaviour is the same.

The only difference between this server and the other domino servers I am slightly wary of, is the serveraid software firmware and drivers which is newer on this server. I did search the knowledgebase but I am not aware of any relevant issues that are applicable to my scenario.

I did log a call about this with Veritas and unfortunately it wasnt resolved. I moved groups so I no longer do Ops for this server. However we need to fix this and no one else seems to want to pursue this from a troubleshooting perspective. They just want to fix it somehow and I see no further options to pursue.

Renaming the belnapi fixes mem issues. However I havent been able to do any backups. Not sure if this is due to the server_restricted=1 in thenotes.ini that was done for some reason by Domino guys while server stability was investigated/observed.

Does anyone have any thoughts on what might be the issue?

Level 6

What is the Lotus Domino version?

On the Lotus server put the remote agent service in debug mode and please paste the debug log
