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cross platform speed

Level 5
I have win2k3 with BE9.1 sp1 and I am backing up novel 6.5. what is the speed suppose to be like? it appears to be slower. I am getting 1-2 hour backup per box which doesn't have much data in a differential.

what can I do to speed up the bakup? we are on a gigabit connection. when I was on novell backing up novell it was taking 4 hours to do 10 boxes, now it take 9 hours to do 5 boxes before I have to cancel it.

anybody have any hints or ideas?

Level 6
Check your NICs and switch Ports.

DO NOT use Autonegotiate. Hardset each end of each pipe to whatever is appropritate for your site (1000/Full for example)

You do have the Novell Agent installed on the Netware Servers, and the serials entered on the media server, right?

And you are selecting the Novell Servers from the SMS tree rather than the "All Networks" tree?

Level 5
Hi Ken,

yes, all nics are set to 1000/Full. I selected everything from the SMS tree as well. yup, all licenses are properly entered and the agents properly loaded. it backs up fine it just takes to long. we use IP and not IPX.

I do get the error "unable to initialize remote agent" on every box yet it backs everything up. I get the samething on the GW agents as well but it backs them up in half an hour or so. that is around 3gig. I am backing up to a ADIC scalar 100, brand new.

Level 6
That "unable to initialize remote agent" is probably the problem then, since one of the functions of the Agnet is to do local file reads and then stream the data to the media server as fast as both servers and the network will allow. If the agent is not working, then the media server has to do a network read of every file on the remote server.

Anything that points to why the RemoteAgent fails to load? I've nevr used the Netware Agent, so I'm stubmlign around in the dark from here on

Level 5
no, I have no idea. that is the only thing in the logs. no other indication of something causing it.

are the agents for netware different if I loaded them from windows instead of from novell? maybe that is the issue?

Level 5
an update to this problem.

it appears that bestart was not loading beremote which is the agent accelerator. this beremote was not needed when you back up novell from novell. seeing how this was not loading we did not see the errors it was causing after loading. I was missing beremote.res file. upon installing this file it loads just perfect so we will see tonight if it runs any faster.

Level 5
wel, I am sorry to say that it didn't help any. the good news is that I don't get the errors messages anymore. :)

still looking for an answer. very slooooow backups, not acceptable.

Level 5
well, no luck so far and I am seeing a lot of people have the somewhat same issue.

ther has to be something in BE9.1 for windows that is doing it. my backups on novell backing up novell was tremendously fast. so the network is fine. in fact my full backups are fine and they do 200gig in 14 hours. better than my daily's that do 4.5gig in 10 hours and never finish.

something is astray here.

Level 6

Please apply the patch from the following link.

NOTE: Please copy the entire link.

Also apply the following settings as mentioned in the following technote.
Slow incremental and differential backups using TSAFS.NLM

NOTE: If we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be assumed answered and archived

Level 5
sorry Amruta, I have allpied all of those settings per support call. nothing we did was solving the issue. I have since moved on as I lost a lot of valuable information.

backing up novell with windows version of BE is not doable. I have since moved on to backing up ALL windows and novell boxes with novell version of BE. all is well. no network setings have been changed and backups are incrediably fast.

thanksMessage was edited by:

Level 6
Hello Scoutt,

Thank you for the update. We are closing this thread.

Level 6
As per our previous reply, marking the case as assumed answered and moving it to answered questions pool.