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installing optional items

Not applicable
I an running BE 9.1 on a Win2k3 server which in turn backs up 3 other win2k3 servers using remote agents. I would like to install the SQL agent for one of the the remote servers (running sql 2000) and the Adnavnce Open File option to be used on alll 4 servers. Do I need to purchase 4 licenses of the Advanced Open File Option for the four servers or just one on the backup server and then push the config to the remote servers? Is there any way to install these products in eval mode until I actually receive the license codes?


Level 6

Advanced Open File Option(AOFO) is per server basis. Therefore, if you wish to protect 4 servers using AOFO then you would require 4 licenses. You may contact the sales department to purchase the licenses.

Please get in touch with our local sales representative. Alternatively, you can contact our local sales office. You can locate them using following link:

As far as installing these options in eval mode is concerned, they cannot be installed in eval mode separately if Backup Exec is licensed. You may however, install Backup Exec in evaluation mode on a separate test server and evaluate the options.

You may refer the following links:

We hope this helps.