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linux agent on debian?

Not applicable
I understand that the linux agent for 10 is not supported on debian. I also understand many users have been able to get this agent to run on debian.

I was wondering if anyone has documented the install process for this agent on debian?

I was able to get RALUS installed by converting the two rpm packages to deb packages using alien. I run VTRSralus.init from the /opt/VRTSralus/bin directory and after a 30 seconds it comes back as with no error messages.

Does the init script happen to write to a log file and if so where is it located?

Can anyone who has successfully installed this on debian offer any words of wisdom, something other then use another OS?

Thanks in advance,


Level 6

Please note that RALUS is not supported on debian. However you may try putting the RALUS in debug mode and check for the errors. Please refer the following technote to put the agent in debug mode.

How to run the VERITAS Backup Exec (tm) Remote Agent for UNIX or Linux server in debug mode

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Level 2
Hi Joe,
Did you get the RALUS working on debian?  If so, how?  I have a debian linux runing Ubuntu.  I converted the rpm packges that come with the ralus 11d agent to .deb packages and installed these deb packages on the linux box.  I added my backup server into /etc/VRTSralus/ralus.cfg file.  I started the agent on my linux box.  I verified that webmin is not installed on my linux box by doing "apt-get remove webmin", the system tells me that this package is not installed.  I also verified ralus agent is running on port 10,000 by doing this on my backup server "telnet linux_machine_name 10000".  But my Linux box is not showing on BE admin GUI.  What am I missing here?
Thanks so much for your response!