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unable to catalog imported media

Level 4
Hi, I recently moved from BE 9.1 4691 to 11d 7170 and to new hardware (server and autoloader) as well.  The new box along with BE 11 appears to work fine on its own.  My problem is, a user needs something restored from a tape that was created with BE 9.1.  I ran an import job and inventoried all the slots and the media all shows up as "Unknown Media" and is placed in the "Scratch Media" Media Set.  I've ran two inventories with no luck.  When i right click the media the "catalog media" option is grayed out.  How can I catalog these tapes for the restore?
Some other info that may or may not be relevant:
Previous autoloader was LTO1 new on is LTO4
Previous autoloader didn’t read barcodes new one does
The first time I ran an import I didn’t have barcodes on the tapes
The second time I ran an import I had the tapes labeled with barcodes – they now appear with correct numbers under the slots
I'd like to think this is possible, can somone confirm and/or provide some insight?

Level 6
So are you trying to read your LTO1 tapes in your LTO4 autoloader? If so, that's your problem - LTO4 is only read compatible with LTO2 and LTO3. It can't read LTO1 tapes.
You could temporarily disconnect your LTO4 autoloader and connect your LTO1 autoloader. You can't have them both connected without a Library Expansion Option license though (in theory - I've not tried it in practice)

Level 4
Thats it, I guess I should have realized that.  Its listed right in the specs: