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Enterprise Data Services Community Blog
Enterprise Data Services Community Blog is the perfect place to share short, timely insights including product tips, news and other information relevant to the community.

Blog Articles

Recovery Videos

Thought these were fun. Yes they are propaganda but it's a good way to describe to a non-IT person what Symantec (or you) do with infrastructure software. document.write(swfimport); document.write(don...


NetBackup is Linked In too

I noticed there has been some good NetBackup discussions going on at Challenging times are a great reason to work on expanding your network. NetBackup System Administrators Group Tim Bur...


First Availability of 6.5.3

In my last note I indicated there was a way to get 6.5.3 sooner rather than waiting for for GA. I realized after writing it, you might not know how to get it. I updated my earlier post to include an e...


Why Do We Have 2 data protection products?

Can't one product do it all? Simply put - no. I could try to explain it but a much more entertaining and educational way would be to watch this video on why there are so many types of spaghetti sauce....


Success Rate in Veritas Backup Reporter

Alright, don't laugh too hard at us. Tim and I had some fun over lunch today. He questioned me with a backup report and we produced it in Veritas Backup Reporter: