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Email Dating ... Domino

Level 5
Employee Accredited

As I mentioned in my last blog about how we determine which date to use on Exchange items, the mail system itself is the first differentiator, so in Domino, we use a similar algorithm as that in Exchange but, as all mail systems were certainly not created equal, there are subtle differences to match the Domino architecture. The Domino algorithm basically iterates this list of known potential date fields / containers on an item in the priority order below until we get a hit

  • If Form = Calendar Then EndDateTime
  • If Form = Task Then DueDateTime
  • DeliveredDate
  • PostedDate
  • $Created
  • Creation Date extracted from item UNID

In the extreme case that none of the above properties are available, then LastModifiedDate is used

In order to see which of the above dates are available on any Domino item, then choose your weapon of choice for viewing Domino note properties on an item - the notes client itself gives you the 'Document Properties' window


or for a more granular and developer focussed investigation, NotesPeek is a great tool
