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Archive Retention and Deleteion Policy

Level 6
Hi Everyone
I am on form today I must have my EV head on since I am asking load of un-answered questions.
The mail team here at Conwy are currently trying to get the Audit Department and our Senior Management Team to aggree to an Archive Retention and Deleteion Policy.
My question is of a technical nature - when we converted to Exchange we inmported legancy emial from Outlook Express DBX files into Exchange mailbox and then let KVS take care of the archiveing. Some of these imports ranged from a few K to some being over 4GB in size.
If we introduce a Retention and Deletion policy policy for whatever period I am interested in what KVS will look at for the Deletion Criteria and also how this will effect the legacy email that was imported.
I was wondering if it worked in the same way as archiving in Outllok where it used the last modified date - if that is the case - this wioll be the date the mail was imported rather than the date the email was created or arrived in our system.
Firstly can you please confirm this is the case and can anyone recommend a method of getting around this problem.
Many thanks

Level 4
I hope I have understood you correctly and therefore answering correctly..
With regards Retension if you archive lets say 40 emails with a retension category of 30 years called business and then change that Retension category to 10 years all mail archived under the 40 years retension period will still be marked 40 years.  Anything new will be 10 years in this scenario.  Therefore your legacy mail will be under whatever category you specified as retension at that time. 
Deletion can be done either by archived date or modfied date I believe if you schedule deletes. 
I hope this sort of answers your query???