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Creating EVPM retention folders?

Level 4

Does anyone have a good system for creating ini files to create EVPM folders? For example, say you get a list of 500 users that need retention folders but all you have is their first and last name.

It's a pain for format them into an LDAP query using name=, especailly if their name has changed or is not the same in AD.

Column mode or holding the alt key in Notepadd++ helps but it's still time comsuming to get the LDAP queries formatted.

So anybody have a good system for formatting ini files into LDAP queries, or even a good way to get other attributes such as CN, DN, email address or other AD attribute when you only have a first and last names?



Partner    VIP    Accredited

first and last names aren't unique so no, not really. if whoever you're working with can provide you with a unique identifier then you can use that, otherwise you have nothing to go off of.

Level 4

OK, then the second part. If I have something unique like email or DN, does anybody have any good way to format LDAP queries for the ini files?

Partner    VIP    Accredited

yes, sure do. it depends on what you want to query. here's an example i posted for someone else before.

LDAPquery = (memberof= CN=MyDistGroup,OU=Organization,OU=Groups,DC=myDomain,DC=com)
LDAPQueryDomain = MyDomain.Com

Level 4

Yeah I know that. I'm asking of methods for getting from a list say in Excel of email addresses or DNs and formatting that to LDAP. Any scripts, methods, programs etc.