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EV8 to EV10 Upgrade Approach

Level 3


I'm currently scoping out an EV8.0.4 to EV10.0.1 upgrade, the customer has two EV8.0.4 servers running on Windows 2008 R2, with a seperate SQL Database server.  The plan is to in-place upgrade these to EV9.0.4 (32-bit) - no problem, all prerequisites are met.

We are building two new Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise Vault VMs, and I'm planning on migrating them over using the Enterprise Vault Server Settings wizard.  I'm going to remap the SAN LUNs so no problem with the storage.  My question is how does the Server Settings Wizard cope with multiple servers?

Would I create the two Migration Wizard export packages, then import them onto the new servers one at a time?  What is puzzling me most is, does the Server Migration Wizard do the EV10 database upgrades during the import, or does that happen when starting the Enteprise Vault Directory Service following import?  If so would you follow the usual upgrade path for multiple servers, i.e. run the import on both servers, then start the Directory Service on the first, check it's upgraded successfully, then start the Directory Service on the second.  Then move onto the Storage Service etc?

Any advice on upgrading multiple servers with this method would be appreciated, the documentation I can find doesn't cover multiple servers very clearly.

Thanks in advance.



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Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

You aren't going to be able to skip the upgrade to EV9.

The Server Settings Migration Wizard will take care of updating the EV databases when you go from EV9 on the old servers to EV 10 on the new servers.  That is what you should use.



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Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

has my 'test' upgrade screenshots.

I do not recall how the upgrade was done, but afaik, it is done while improting the migration template.

I hope it is helpfull

Regards. Gertjan

Level 3

Thanks for that Gertjan.

I think I'm going to go with running the import on both servers, then starting the Directory Service first on SERVER1, monitoring the event logs to for successful database schema upgrade then start the Directory Service on SERVER2.  Then start the Storage Service on both, ensure all is well, and start up the remaining EV services.

If anything fails I can always adopt a DR type approach anyway.

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Hi Steve,

What you also can do is to upgrade the old ones to 9SP4 (as is your plan), then move that install to the new servers, also on 9SP4.

That would simplify the migration. You can also use the migration wizard for that.

You would go from 'oldserver ev9sp4' to 'newserver ev9sp4'.

When that is succesfull, you can than upgrade the 'newserver ev9sp4' to 'newserver 10SP1'.


Regards. Gertjan

Level 3

Hi Gertjan

I was hoping not to install 9.0.4 on the new server and in-place upgrade, if I was to do that I think I'd just manually migrate and forget the Server Settings Migration Wizard to give more control over the upgrade process.

I'm also thinking about moving straight to EV10 manually - I've done something like this before between EV8 & EV9 and it worked.

1) Build new Enterprise Vault 10 VMs.

2) Shutdown EV 9 servers.

3) Migrate EV data across.

4) Run through the configuration and repair / upgrade the directory.

So basically skip the in-place option.


Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

You aren't going to be able to skip the upgrade to EV9.

The Server Settings Migration Wizard will take care of updating the EV databases when you go from EV9 on the old servers to EV 10 on the new servers.  That is what you should use.



Level 3

Hi Tony

Sorry what I meant is...

In-place upgrade EV8.0.4 to EV9.0.4

New EV10 install, mount the data, start EV to repair the Directory and it should then run through the upgrade.  So we'd be skipping the in-place upgrade of EV9.0.4 to EV10.0.1.  Not sure if this would work, but I've done this before going from EV8 to EV9 on a different box.

I know the Server Settings Migration Wizard fully supports going from EV9 (32-bit) straight to EV10, but have you used it in a multi server environment or know how it works?

How would I do it - stop EV Services on SERVER1 & SERVER2, export both, and import one at a time?  For example run the import on SERVER1, get all services up and running, then repeat on SERVER2?



Level 6
Partner Accredited

How would I do it - stop EV Services on SERVER1 & SERVER2, export both, and import one at a time? For example run the import on SERVER1, get all services up and running, then repeat on SERVER2?


Yes, but don't stop the EV services, the Settings Migration Wizard does this for you.