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ExchangePerflog files in the temp directory

Level 6
Employee Accredited
Just thought it would be useful to post this one, it's something I first saw last year and escalated throught EV support and also to Microsoft. This only applies if you're using OL2003 on the EV server

If you check the temp directory on your EV server you may well find 1000's of these exchangeperflog files. You'll need to check the temp folder for the account that runs the EV services (normally in C:/documents and settings/...../local settings/temp) unless you've changed it. I wouldn't say there's major impact but it may have a knock on performance effect because you could end up with 10,000's of these files - it's just not good house keeping and is plain annoying.

These files contain performance information which is useful for troubleshooting OL2003 on a normal client. They're generated because when a temp MAPI profile is created (as with EV) the associated MAPI DLLs will create a perflog file. Normally OL cleans them up when it exits but I'm affraid that EV doesn't do the same so they are just left.

I've attached the Microsoft response at the end of this post but their recomended action doesn't help and the response from Veritas (at the time) was that they're working on it. I still think it's there cause we still have them and it can run into 1000's per day. Deleting them is the only option which you can do with a nice little script schedule to run each day.

The MS response follows

Running KVS archiving with Outlook 2003 to create temporarily Mapi Profiles

ExchangePerfLog*.dat files are created and not cleaned op in the Temp folder

The ExchangePerfLog*.dat files are created and used by Outlook 2003 for sending RPC performance data to Exchange. There is one file for each profile + security context. Perf records that are to be sent to the server are staged in and out of this file so that we minimize the amount of data that we keep in memory at any given time.

Basically what happens when you use Enterprise Vault from KVS (Veritas) and the Temp Mapi profile is deleted leaves an orphaned ExchangePerflog_*.dat behind, which is not used anymore as its associated Mapi profile does not exists anymore. (KVS removes the Created Mapi profile when it is ready with archiving with the user's mailbox.

Installing the Exchange System Manager not only puts on the necessary MAPI files, but also installs CDO. So only installing the Exchange System Manager of Exchange 2003 should be enough for KVS. You might want to install Exchange service packs and the latest CDO update in order to get the most recent files.

Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Employee Accredited
Just to bring things to a close on this then.

The diagnosis from MS was that when a temporary MAPI profile is created by an application (EV in this case) then that application is responsible for closing down the session correctly (including the Exchperflog files).

My view on this is that it's for Symantec development to figure out where things go wrong and either put in a fix on the archive service to force a clean up of these files upon start up, or just fix the MAPI close down process and clean them up once the temp MAPI session closes.

I'm going to raise a call to get this back on the RFE list and see where it goes, meanwhile, I'll leave my batch file in place to clean up the files.


View solution in original post


Level 6
Employee Certified
I think you should Sym Support again and get them to work on this it. Sounds like they should improve their housekeeping tasks around this area.

However you cannot avoid installing O2k3 on the EV server as it needs to use to provide Unicode Mapi support, especially for PST imports amongst other things.


Level 6
Employee Accredited
So before I throw this back to support or is an ehancement......could a V6 EV user please confirm the state of play with perflog files. My feeling is that the archive process should be cleaning them up, if it's still not been fixed in V6 then it's certainly back to the developers me thinks.


Level 6
Employee Certified
Still the same in V6 SP1.


Level 6

i still think that resolution is wrong ( I'm pretty sure the v5 installation instructions specifically states you need Outlook CDO. Looks like an EV bug to me.

I think only Outlook 2003 on the server supported from v6? I'm also going to SP2 my Outlook on the servers.

Level 6

Did I miss something but if these files are a pain then shouldn't Microsoft and not Symantec being contected.

Also Outlook 2003 was supported on the EV server in V5.

Level 6
They have been. Symantec say Outlook bug. I thknk this is unfair. Wondering if it's gone away as I ain't seen it for 3 months or so.

Outlook 2003, sozzy I've been unclear, Outlook 2000 no longer supported on EV6 onwards *I think*? Outlook XP never was supported (again, *I think*)

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
You are correct that OL xp has never been supported on the EV server. And moving forward for EV 6.0 sp1 OL 2k3 is the only supported OL client for the EV server

Level 6
Employee Accredited
Just to bring things to a close on this then.

The diagnosis from MS was that when a temporary MAPI profile is created by an application (EV in this case) then that application is responsible for closing down the session correctly (including the Exchperflog files).

My view on this is that it's for Symantec development to figure out where things go wrong and either put in a fix on the archive service to force a clean up of these files upon start up, or just fix the MAPI close down process and clean them up once the temp MAPI session closes.

I'm going to raise a call to get this back on the RFE list and see where it goes, meanwhile, I'll leave my batch file in place to clean up the files.


Level 2
Last  weekend we upgraded to EV2007 SP2, i noticed that the issue still exsits.
We changed the Environment Variables of the EV service account to drive D to prevent
drive C running out of disk space and all EV services stops.
Wouter Pronk

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Has any progress been made on this issue?

Level 4
This is a very old thread but another workaround is

The temp file location will be cleared every 24 hours, if you notice a build up of tmp files the registry values below will allow you to reduce the time for which they are cleared and specify the name of the tmp files


the values can be found in the Registry Values PDF 317274

Level 4
I'm having this problem on WIndows 2008 SP1 - EV 8 SP2.  I looked in the registry guide for setting values for DelFilesOlderThanHours and DelFileTypes but on 2008 I do not have HKLM\Software\KVS  - any ideas where to set this on Windows 2008?


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
Is this 64-bit?
Then it's actually under the:
HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\KVS\Enterprise Vault


cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 4
Yes it is 64bit.  Thanks for the info.
