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Vault Cache Not Synchronizing Content (Only Headers)

Level 3

When I click the Synchronize button in Outlook I get a window showing me how much still needs to be synchronized.  The headers is always complete (or completes while I have the window open), but I have over 150,000 items where the content still needs to be synchronized.  In our desktop policy we have the content strategy set to Store all items.  It was my understanding that with that setting the headers and content should all be downloaded to the vault cache (or at least as much as it can to take up the space alloted, which on my machine is over 100GB).  Any idea what the probelm could be?  I'll be happy to provide a log if necessary.

This is what I am running:

    Enterprise Vault Version = 9.0.2 (.1061)
    Outlook HTTP-Only Add-in Version =
    Windows 7 Enterprise 32-bit
    Outlook 2010 - Cached Mode
    Exchange 2007 SP3 RU3



Accepted Solutions

Level 5
Employee Accredited Certified

Aaron,  you can also check the CacheState value in the client log.  This will be in the client trace, even in loglevel 1. CacheState 1 basically means 'Clean', 2 is 'corrupt'.  If this value fluctuates through the log, then it is proceeding through the different stages of the MDC/CC process but it should eventually complete back to 1.

The Virtual Vault Best Practice guide also can help:

See Appendix E - IIS log diagnostics -



The Ls, Ci and Td values can give insight into what's going on.

View solution in original post


Level 6
Accredited Certified
My first question would be, are there any errors or failures in the vault cache properties or/and any errors in the event logs on the EV server? Is this happening to all users, just a single or few users? Has this ever worked in your environment? Single ev server environment? Have you got BITS enabled on your ev server (you should enable this for vault cache)? On the client enable client trace to max and on EV server enable trace for migratorserver and w3wp processes. Reset the vault cache on the client and synch again. Attach the traces.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

OK so first of all, have you got the Cache location set on the EV Servers properties within the VAC and does it have plenty of room to grow to 20GB?

Do you have any errors in the Application logs on the EV Server? Can it create and grow the PST Files?
i.e. do you have PSTDisableGrow set to where maybe the PST File can't grow in size?

Do you see anything in the following page (log on as the EVAdmin on the EV Server that houses your archive)


You could also look at the following SQL Query that may shed some light

USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
SELECT * FROM AdminJobEntry WHERE JobAdmin = 'DOMAIN\yourUser'

Other things to check are whether you have BITS throttled on your workstation, a lot of companies will throttle it down to 32k/s, which if you're trying to download a 500MB DB/PST file it would take about four and a half hours to download so it wouldn't look like its downloading anything.

Lastly check your Vault Cache location to see whether its at least attempting to copy/create any PST files

C:\Documents and Settings\[yourUserName]\Local Settings\Application Data\KVS\Enterprise Vault

In there you should see a folder with a long there you should have a folder with several DB Files, an MDC File (which is your metadata cache) as well as some XML and INI files as well


Failing that, you may need to set your client log to full on Outlook and also a DTrace of Storage to see whats going on and if its building the PST files or not and whether its trying to download.

Level 3

Thanks for the replies.  I'll try to answer the questions as best I can, but I'm really new to EV so I don't know how to do some of the stuff you're asking for.


There are no errors in the eventlog for the EV server, I'm not really sure how to check for errors or failures for the vault cache properties.  This is happening for all users.  We've just started using EV so it's never worked in our environment.  It is a single EV server.  BITS is not enabled on the server.  I know how to set the trace to max for the client on my machine, but I'mt not sure how to do it for the migratorserver or w3wp processes.  I can attach the traces once I know how to do that.


I'm not sure about your first question.  On our Desktop Policy (Img1) we have the vault cache enabled for users and have it set to automatically enable and have set it to use 50% of free space (and on my machine that 50% equals over 100GB).  The vault cache location is in C:\Temp\vaultcache.  That might not answer the question...

No errors in the eventlog, not sure how to check the second part of that question.  Where do I check if it can create and grow PST files and check the PSTDisableGrow setting?

If I go to that page (Img2) I see a heading that says Vault Cache Server View then below there are Current Active Build (No Active builds) and Current Active Downloads (No Active downloads), other than that there's nothing on the page.

I tried the SQL query, but there is no JobAdmin column in the AdminJobEntry table so it wouldn't work.  I tried using the JobAuthor column with my username, and it executed, but the returned table didn't have any data.

BITS is not throttled on any workstations.

If I look at my Vault Cache location (Img3) (C:\temp\vaultcache\username on our machines) I see the GUID under my name and under that folder I have a MDC file that's about 980MB, a bunch of .db files, a couple xml files and one DatabaseList.ini file.

If I need to do the log, I know how to configure it for Outlook, but I don't know how to do a DTrace of Storage?

Thanks for all the help.

Level 3

Was just doing some searching on the PSTDisableGrow to see if I could find what it was and it seems it's a group policy setting.  We don't have it set and I don't see the value in my registry, but I noticed that we do have the Default location for PST and OST files policy set.  Would this cause the vault cache to not function since we're forcing PST's to a location other than where we are putting the vault cache?

We are also forcing the format of PST's to Unicode...would this cause problems?

Level 4

Note that 'header' synchronisation and 'content' synchronisation will be handled by (effectivly) two seperate compoents. It's not clear from your original post if synchronisation is still occuring - I would expect header synchronisation to complete quicker than content synchonization, but the overall Vault Cache Synchronisation should still be downloading content in the background, and in fact is designed to simply operate in the background. 

Do you see this number ("Items to download") go down at all over a period of time? If so, then eveything is probably working as expected, and you simply need to wait for content synchronization to complete. One thing to note, is that the items to be downloaded are not downloaded one by one, but rather in large chunks, so you may not see any activity unless left for a period of time (Hours).

Level 5


I dont think that is what JW was talking about (as far as the cache location is concerned). Open the Vault Administration Console (VAC) and the expand the directory/site/Enterprise Vault Servers/ right click on the EV server in question/properties/Cache tab. Make sure that the cache location is set there and that the cache size is set to at least 20GB. Then check the location in that path to see if .pst files are being created that are used by vault cache download process.

You might also try setting the Vault Cache option "Root Folder" to nothing...which is default (I take it that is the cache location you were refering to earlier) in the "Desktop Policy" . sure that you're NOT using the DisablePST registry setting on the desktop clients.

Level 4
Employee Accredited Certified


I think your issue is that BITS is NOT enabled on the EV server.  Enable it, restart the EV services just to be sure, and try the VC Sync again. It should download the items correctly now.

- Chris

Level 5
Employee Accredited Certified

Aaron,  you can also check the CacheState value in the client log.  This will be in the client trace, even in loglevel 1. CacheState 1 basically means 'Clean', 2 is 'corrupt'.  If this value fluctuates through the log, then it is proceeding through the different stages of the MDC/CC process but it should eventually complete back to 1.

The Virtual Vault Best Practice guide also can help:

See Appendix E - IIS log diagnostics -



The Ls, Ci and Td values can give insight into what's going on.

Level 6

Was this resolved?  My thoughts were around BITS being needed on the server.

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