Forum Discussion

Morten_Lea_Andr's avatar
18 years ago

some mailboxes are not processed

Configuration is EV7.0 SP1 running against Exchange 2003 SP2. Approx 80 mailboxes are archived with no problem, but i have four that does not process properly. It is set up to stop archiving when there are 25% of quouta free but these four are not getting any smaller. In system manager i see the EV service account logs on to them and logs off again.
No errors are logged in event viewer. Any suggestions to where i can start look for clues to why these four are not beeing processed? Or even better, anyone seen this before and managed to solve it?

7 Replies

  • Could be an issue with the EV hidden message in the users mailbox.  Have a look at the Symantec Technote 280196 on how to ZAP a users mailbox and therefore remove the hidden message. 
  • How about running a report mode run against the suspect mailboxes and see what is being returned?
    are the quotas the same for these users?
    was this quota policy modified for these users?
    were these users moved?
    have you looked at the contents of the hidden message?
    Just a few questions to get the ball rolling :smileywink:
  • not sure what you mean by "hidden message". this is report from one of the mailboxes, as you can see it should have been archived but it just does not happen. have tried to lower the quota but same result. whole organiztion uses same policy. all mailboxes have been migrated to a new server when this started to occour.
    No of archivable items 638
    Total size of archivable items 560157
    No of archivable folders 32
    No of items ready to archive 431
    Size of items ready to archive 383078
    No of large items 1
    Total size of large items 51210
    No of messages that would be archived 298
    Size of messages that would be archived 285905
    Quota limit 500000
    Quota used 659262
    % of Quota free -31.85
    also there should be a possibility to turn off user notification that quota is exceeded, this would leave me some quiet time to investigate further. anyone remeber what setting that was?
  • also there should be a possibility to turn off user notification that quota is exceeded, this would leave me some quiet time to investigate further. anyone remeber what setting that was?
    Check site settings properties / archive usage limit and don't tick the send notification to user tick box :)
  • i was not thinking of the enterprise vault archive quota, but the messange from exchange system administrator that comes when a user have exceeded the quota on mailbox storage. archive usage limits are not enabled on the site, neither on the store itself.
  • If your issue with the 4 mailboxes is still unresolved...please try the following:


    EV will not archive mailbox by % free of the quota policy if the mailbox exceeds the quota.

    Increase the quota for the 4 mailboxes you have issue with way above the current mailboxes size and then tell EV to archive let say until there is a 45% free space. This will hopefully bring the size of the 4 mailboxes under 500MB. Set your mailbox quotas back to 500MB. EV should now maintain these mailboxes within 25% free space of the quota.

