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vaullt storage partion .

Level 6
Partner Accredited
i need to set the HW setting to RO mode.
this causes any bed affects?
Closed part. also RO can i set also L U N  HW setting to RO?

not: i have no CAB files .(as you know cab files needed extra disc space)

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
 You can close the partition but marking the disk as RO is not a good idea because even if you close a partition there is still a need for EV to write to the disk


An index fails or an item shows missing from the index. In this case EV needs to write to the indexmissing.log file.

Also storage expiry cant delete the items from the disk if it is marked as RO so you will have issues there also

Why do you need to mark the disk as RO?

Level 6
Partner Accredited
 Ok you are right index fails may need write operation.
but if i want to set just vault store partition data of the LUN RO what will be the disadvantage?
closed partition is already seted to RO mode just i want to set HW LUN to ro mode.
(index LUN will be different and writeble position.)

what is your idea?

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
What version of EV is in use?
If you set it to RO can your reverse this and set it back?

You could always test setting to RO and if you have errors you can set it back.  I don't think you will but better safe than sorry.

In essence you are turning it in to a WORM device without the WO.  ;)

Level 6
Partner Accredited
 EV version is 2007 sp2 ,our aim is backup this store is quickly and then we will not backup this RO LUN in the future again(we have to sure there will be no data loss) existing partition and LUN will continue in RW mode...

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
 Well try it.

If it was me I would close the partition, then include this lun in a Differential backup that way if there were any chnages it would be picked up but i would still get a full backup once a week

Level 6
Partner Accredited
 environment is prod. and i want to sure for it is ok to set HW to RO mode :)
then,i will set this setting and i am expecting no error in the logs.

but i couldn't any legal document for this,are there anyone tryed this setting before?
if i have test env. no prob. but i dont know the reaction of EV to this issue?


Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
I would also caution against backing it up once and then forgetting it.  You should back it up at least monthly, IMHO.  What if you do have a failure and go to restore your backup only to find it corrupt?  You don't want that.  Just my 2p.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
 No documentation that i'm aware of but try it just be sure you can revert back if EV does give errors.

And again a one off backup is fine if you are decommisioning a server but for live data not a good idea. do backups even if it is read only. Monthly as Tony recommends or Weekly as i recommend. 

The risk is too high to your production environment to take a one off backup and then forget it

Level 6
Partner Accredited
 hi, yes i know the for ex, montly backup is required again.but in your strategy taking diff backup daily is too hard.because as you know there are millions of small items and small difference backup is also takes too much time,what is your advice?my plan is set HW to RO and full backup every month or 2 week and there will be no more diff backup.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

It is your system. We can only offer advice. If it was me I would not take the chance and do a differentail but if you want to go with just bi-weekly or monthly backups it is your choice.

I know in my environment that risk is too high. I make full backups of TB's of data every day even though most of my data is hostorical because if it is lost the affect on our legal team would be disaster. This is why I dont take chances but if you are happy with a bi-weekly or monthly backup then it is fine as it is your environment.

Level 4
Partner Accredited
If I may offer another oppinion, I'd say (IMHO) that a monthly full backup of a closed partition should be sufficient. this will be true in a traditional backup environment.

Have you considered implementing a De-Duplication type backup (such as Symantec Netbackup Pure Disk)? if you do, then you can take a full backup every day if you wanted without compromising disk space or backup windows!


Level 6
Closing a partition is good, but you should not mark the disk as Read Only. A closed partition, as already said, is not actually ignored. It is referenced by processes that include Storage Expiry, User Deletions, Sharer Info updates etc etc.

A monthly backup for this should be ok, depending on your storage expiry times and the amount of data you are archiving etc etc. The main thing to remember is the databases will be changing every day, and if you did have to restore to a previous time, you will at least "hopefully" have more data than you need in the closed partitions, as the DB will probably have removed references to it.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
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