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Regulators Mean Business – Who’s Supervising Your Data?

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Employee Accredited

Data is at the heart of every business – and growing faster than ever before.  And so are the internal and external regulations governing this information. That’s why data supervision is becoming increasingly important - to monitor and prevent problems, remain compliant with internal and external regulations, and to mitigate risk.

As electronic communications continue to multiply, how can companies not only manage, but supervise it all? Unveiled this month, Veritas Advanced Supervision is a powerful new compliance offering to address this very problem. Delivered as an add-on for the Enterprise SaaS Archiving Product, Advanced Supervision significantly reduces data review times for customers and increases efficiency to ensure compliance.  

Veritas Advanced Supervision LoginVeritas Advanced Supervision LoginWith classification-driven supervision, users can focus on sampling, eliminating noise, and targeting specific content for review. A modern UI design and the tabbed interface allows for easy navigation between preferred views to perform a variety of actions. Leveraging facet filters to zero in on content, Advanced Supervision allows rapid review and automated sampling. The offering additionally enables users to set higher sampling rates for their most relevant keywords.

In Veritas Advanced Supervision, set sampling rates by department or content source.In Veritas Advanced Supervision, set sampling rates by department or content source. And it’s already making a difference across our customer base. Recently, Veritas teamed with a large, multi-national North American bank with 80,000 employees. Their goal was to streamline compliance reviews of employee communications as staff struggled to keep up with information volume. Working with Veritas, the firm was able to not only re-focus the compliance team onto more strategic tasks, but also realized a 300 percent increase in the number of risky messages identified and quarantined to prevent damage.

Veritas Advanced Supervision is licensed per user, and additionally delivers integration with Veritas Information Classifier – our Enterprise Vault classification engine – to automatically classify items based on both content and metadata.  

With so many options now at their fingertips, customers can finally streamline complex data supervision and compliance - across both business and public agency settings. And as global regulations become even more demanding and complex, Veritas Advanced Supervision can help.

Level 1

In any case, it is important that there is a training program that is developed, financed, aimed at the fulfillment of a certain goal, and in this way you can really achieve positive results.

Level 0

The importance of robust data supervision can't be overstated, especially in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. As regulators intensify their scrutiny, it's crucial for businesses to ensure their data management practices are compliant and secure. For those interested in exploring alternative revenue streams, I found a useful resource on cryptocurrency that might be relevant. The article offers some insightful strategies. While it’s essential to stay compliant with data regulations, diversifying income through well-informed crypto investments could be a beneficial addition to your financial toolkit.

Level 3

Absolutely, ensuring robust data supervision is critical in today's regulatory landscape. For those seeking to enhance their data management and customer interaction capabilities, I highly recommend integrating the shopify ai chatbot. It not only streamlines customer service but also ensures data is handled with precision, aligning with stringent regulatory standards. This tool can significantly aid businesses in maintaining compliance while improving user engagement.