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6.5 jobs not showing progress

Level 2
Since upgrading to 6.5, when I view the details of a running job in Activity Monitor, it no longer shows the Percent Complete and the Estimated Kilobytes is 0.  This happens on both Windows and UNIX clients.  I'm sure there must be a box that is not checked or something.  Does anyone know?

Level 6
It may just be that if you have just upgraded to 6.5, NetBackup doesn't yet 'know' how much data it's going to save as it is treating all existing policies as new ones. It will probably start to show you % complete etc when it next comes round to doing each particular policy/schedule. An easy way to test this would be to re-run a policy's schedule that has just been run. I'm sure we had this when we first upgraded to 6.5 but it soon 'settles down'.

(The annoying thing we have found tho' is that it sometimes shows jobs as 84% complete even tho' it's finished!)