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A question concerning DSSUs that are combined into a storage unit group.

Level 6
We've got two DSSU residing an the same media server and these DSSUs are joined into a storage unit froup. There are no any other storage units in this group except these two DSSUs. The number of concurrent jobs for each DSSU is set to 12.
While observing the behaviour of this storage unit group we have noticed a couple of things that puzzle us.
1. If there is one or two active jobs that writes data to DSSU, queued jobs that should write to the same DSSU don't switch to active state. They don't become active although the limit of concurrent jobs for DSSU is not achieved. Then when these active jobs finish, queued jobs start. Why NetBackup doesn't switch queued jobs to active state if there is an active job(s) that write data to DSSU and concurrent jobs limit of DSSU is not attained?
2. The storage unit group mentioned above is set as destination in a policy that have tens of NetBackup clients. Sometimes, when this policy starts ,backup jobs use the first DSSU in a storage unit group only. The second DSSU remains unutilized despite of queued jobs that should write data to the storage unit group. Why NetBackup doesn't use the second DSSU in the storage unit group?

Level 6
I forgot to mention NetBackup version and patch level. In my case it is 5.1 MP6. 

Message Edited by Anton Panyushkin on 10-12-2007 01:29 AM