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Auto expire images

Level 5



Is there a way to automatically expire images based on policy name, copy number and date?


I have issue with Vault, apparently Vault has some undocumented image selecting rules. I thought that Vault always duplicate Primary copy of image. Unfortunately it is not true and Symantec support confirmed this. Vault is also looking for "faster accessible" images, so if you have image on disk (DSSU) Vault will duplicate this images even it is not primary copy. It sounds good, because performance wise, but it fails if dedicated server is being used for Vaulting.


I looked at bpexpdate and bpimage, but those commands require backup id. I would like to automate this solution and expire copy 1 images on selected policies and date.


Any ideas?




Level 5
Employee Accredited Certified

Try on Catalog view of CLI.


Using Verify at Catalog view, search for images who have 2 copies and are from a specific policy/client and are between a date range.


If the results pane shows the results you want, you can select more than one at same time by holding shift or control key and clicking with the second mouse button you will have the expire option. If not, try running the search again with different criteria.


Other option, easier, if you know what media/medias are the images you want to expire and are sure that is no other images you want to keep (if I completely understood it's possibly cause you said you have a specific media server for vault), you might wanna run 'bpexpdate -d 0 -m {Media_ID}' - will expire all images on the specified media and release media for reuse (move to scratch pool if you have it set up). 


If you wanna be sure about which images are on media before expire, you can either list from Catalog view searching for Media_ID (take care on date range) or use bpimagelist -m {Media_ID}


Hope it helps. 

Message Edited by Raphael Carvalho on 01-21-2009 07:24 PM

Level 6

you can find out duplicated images from /usr/openv/netbackup/vault/<vault name>/<sid>

there is a file called duped.images which will hold duplicated images then you can expire copy 1 from
