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Block level backup for Oracle

Level 4


I run Oracle DB backups on Netbackup on Master and Clients. The OS of the clients are Red Hat 2.6.39-400.277.1.el6uek.x86_64. 

I use LTO5 tapes to back up these DB's

My manager is asking me to do Block Level Backups of these DB's.

I read the documentation for BLI backups but I still feel I miss something, because this would be my first time on BLI backups.

Could you help me? I need to know what do I need to do BLI backups for Oracle, for example, licences for Master and Client, and If I could do BLI backups on tape.



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
I haven't worked with Oracle BLIB in MANY years (10+), so, no idea if it still works the same.
Back then, this feature needed VxFS (Veritas File System) to work.

If time permits, I will look for current info a bit later.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

BLIB requirements are listed in NetBackup for Oracle Administrator's Guide :
p. 161:

Configuration requirements for BLI backups with NetBackup for Oracle

Before you configure BLI backups, make sure your configuration meets the following requirements:

■ NetBackup for Oracle is installed, licensed, and configured.
■ NetBackup Snapshot Client is installed and configured, and the license key for this option is registered.
Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle must be installed and configured.(on Oracle server)
Veritas File System must have Storage Checkpoint licensed.

For more information on requirements, see the NetBackup Snapshot Client Administrator's Guide

Also see this URL:


So, I assume that Master or Media Server doesn't need any other Licence than Enterprise's. The Oracle Server, in this case, the client, is the only one that needs the licences mentioned.

Thanks for the information.By the way, do I need special storage for BLI backups? Do the backups run only on tape or disk or its optional?


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

No NetBackup licenses go on a client - only Master and Media server.
So, Snapshot Client is licensed with Enterprise Client license and must be added on the master server to enable the feature.

The Storage Foundation/Infoscale licenses go on the Oracle server.
Important that the Oracle db's reside on Veritas Filesystem (VxFS). If that is not the case currently, your management may need to look at provisioning new or temporary storage to provision VxVM volumes and VxFS filesystems followed by migration of Oracle data.
As Storage Foundation name indicates, it is the Foundation of where the data resides.

Because it is VxFS that enables the block-level tracking, the backup storage does not matter.
Tape is fine.


Personally I would ask the management why they want block level backup, as the goal might be achieved with current environment with some configuration changes.

Have never worked with Block Level Backup of Oracle, but as I understand the concept you stand to loose the point in time recovery option. Might be wrong as RMAN is a pretty advanced backup/recovery tool.

The standard questions: Have you checked: 1) What has changed. 2) The manual 3) If there are any tech notes or VOX posts regarding the issue

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified


agreed with Michael - manager should be interested in RPO, RTO and retention values, and not in technicalities if they are achieved by BLIBs or not :)

As for PITR, it does not compete with BLIB. BLIB could be impelemented both with ARCHIVELOG and NOARCHIVELOG database mode.
