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Cannot connect to Solaris 8 client "invalid error number"

Level 3

I have installed Netbackup client 5.0 with MP 5 on a Solaris system.

I have checked that the Netbackup services are inserted on both the /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf files.

When I execute the "netstat -a|grep bpcd" command, I just get the #prompt. I should be getting the bocd in "LISTEN" state but I did not get this response.

There seem to be some ip filter module running but I am not sure.

If there is some kind of ip filtering and these ports are block, how do I enable these port number ?

I get the "invalid error number" when trying to connect to the Solaris system using the Windows Admin Console(Master server>Host Properties>Clients)

Any ideas?

Thanks and Regards

Level 6
reset inetd in order to force it to read the inetd.conf

inetd rereads its configuration-file once when it is started and again whenever it receives a hangup signal, SIGHUP. New services can be activated and existing services can be deleted or modified by editing the configuration-file, then sending inetd a SIGHUP signal.Message was edited by:
Bob Stump

Level 3

I have already execute the SIGHUP in Solaris but when I execute the netstats - a command, I still cannot see the Netbackup services in "LISTEN" state i.e. bpcd, vnetd and etc.

Not sure if I need to reboot the server ?


Level 6
The simple answer, reboot. There are probably more things that you could investigate and try but I would get the reboot in first. And then if needed, start looking into more detailed information in a Solaris user forum.

Level 3

I have rebooted the server but still got the same problem. On further investigation, it seems to be some kind of NIS issue. Found that there is a /etc/nsswitch.conf file.

When viewing this file, there is an entry on services:

services: nisplus files

I have put the "files" in front of the nisplus but I cannot reboot the server.

Is there any way to let the OS reread the /etc/nsswitch.conf file ?
